Thursday, May 15, 2008


The first response to the title of this blog was probably, WTF?! A wise man (Mr. Shenanigans, all 3 readers know exactly who I'm talking about) once told me: "Philly fans are such douchebags, but I love them". I never really grasped this concept until the Pens-Flyers series started. Sure, Philly fans love getting drunk and starting E-A-G-Zero Super Bowls(thats how it goes right?) chants. They just never really got under my skin. Until now. My new stereotype of Philly is a New York macho attitude combined with a Jersey ego. Basically a douchebag. Sure they are a bunch of genuises with those "Crosby Sucks" chants. Real original guys. Philly can remember this game as, well, at least Pittsburgh didn't sweep us in '08. I don't know what TV set yins watched the game on tonight, but unfortunately mine was carried by a local Philly television station, o wait that was just Versus. Honestly, if the announcers want to wear Flyers jerseys and chant "Let's Go Flyers", I might be all for that. It was honestly an embarassment to the half-assed network that Versus is. Honestly, MTV could produce a better telecast than Versus. What really set me off tonight was a text message I received from one of the douchebags, "Crosby is such a bitch. I wouldn't want him on my team regardless of talent". Really? All I could really say to this was, "I will call you when he is kissing the Cup". So to the Flyers and all of Philly, Thank You for renewing the hate that I should have had for you all this time. P.S. The Cup goes through Pittsburgh. Bring It FUCKERS.


Joe Paterno was hospitalized today for dehydration. Honestly, I hope the man gets better, but give up coaching for real. He is such an arrogant prick that he wants to beat Bobby Bowden by ruining the program he built. Go for it, ruin the program. Force JayPa into power for all I care, just stop making a mockery out of real college football coaches.


I hate to give them the kiss of death, but has the Floss ever been on the Bucco train recently. All it took was a little bit of winning. Nate McClouth is playing like a bonafide All-Star. He is on pace for 40!!!!!!!!! Home Runs. Crazy I know, but you gotta believe in the N-Dog. Sucks that Doumit is on the shelf for a minimum of 4 weeks, but Paulino should be able to hold his own. All the other position players are quietly tearing the cover off the ball. Shhh, they might get wind of people caring and get nervous. As for the pitching, it has been quite frankly, BAD. They are actually winning close games and games in the late innings. I should clear up, that the starting pitching has been bad. We had to forfeit all of Matt Morris' starts which hurt. Dumatrait is pitching solid, but someone find me a righty. The bullpen has pitched fantastic. You have 2 set-up guys in Yates and Marte(really filthy right now). Glad we got Yates for nothing by the way. A lefty specialist in Grabow. And Matt Capps is closing the door faster than he can eat a dozen of donuts. If the Pirates win this weekend series against the Cubs the Floss will...(suggestions welcomed, however not too crazy since it is a 3 game series in May). If they go over .500, I'm writing in Russell/Huntington on my ballot in November(one of the Floss' favorite cliche's). WE BELIEVE.


Anonymous said...

Great floss, way to come back strong. Keep it up. I would almost consider Grabow one of my setup pitchers also, he doesn't just go one batter like he did when he first came to the buccos. He finds himself in for an inning or even two more often than not and with an ERA around a buck and a half why not. Gorzo up today, he better keep up what he has done the past two starts. Needs to get his control back from last year.


Anonymous said...

Way to jinx the team, Floss.
Gorzelanny looked like Ryan Vogelsong out there today.

So root, root, root for our home team. A new Pirate generation, everybody shout, "Let's Go Bucs!"
With every slide there'll be Pittsburgh pride at the ol' ball game. Everybody shout, Let's Go Bucs!

Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

if the pirates win this serires the floss will... shave a P in his chest, belly, or back hair.
