Tuesday, March 31, 2009


After waking up on Monday morning and watching Scottie Reynolds dribble drive layup against the Pitt Panthers literally 4 times in less than an hour. This doesn't seem that amazing except none of these views were on YouTube. This weekend left me with a bad taste in my mouth much like some of the great sports losses the Floss has suffered through the years. When reading this remember that the Floss' sports life hasn't been all that bad. I have seen two Super Bowl victories which is the ultimate championship, not too mention the Pens and some other cool wins throughout including but not limited to the Franklin Regional Football State Championship season in 2005 or the MOS Eagles GCYO Championship in 2006. Some assumptions you must consider while reading:

-Sports fanhood started in '95-96 with that first Super Bowl loss when the Floss was 7, anything prior to 7 years old is not remembered.
-Pecking order of teams ages 7 through 16: 1. Steelers, 2. Steelers, 3. Steelers, 4. Pitt Hoops, 5. Pitt Football, 6. Pirates, 7. Penguins
-The point of this is to show that a lot more emotion rode with the Steelers back in the day. The Pens were really never high on the Floss' radar.
-Pecking order of teams age 16--Present: 1. Pitt Football, 2. Steelers, 3. Pitt Basketball, 4. Penguins, 5. Pirates
-Hard to keep Pitt hoops at 3 after this awesome season, but it is the truth. Pitt football rides very high nowadays.
-The Pirates will not appear on this list once due to the fact that in my fan lifetime they haven't had a meaningful loss.

Onto the Losses:

Honorable Mention: Yancey Thigpen Gives Packers Gift: This game is kind of interesting and maybe none of you remember it, but the Floss has distinct memories of it. With 11 seconds left on Christmas Eve in 1995, Yancey Thigpen blatantly drops a touchdown pass on 4th and goal. The Floss watched this game at his grandparents house. The waterworks started shortly after the game and continued for 45 minutes on the trek to church on Christmas Eve all the while being berated by the UFO(Uncle of Floss, sounds cooler than UOF). While researching the game, I found out that the Steelers had clinched a bye and the AFC Central Division title already and that the game meant jack shit.

Honorable Mention 2: 2006 Big East Championship Loss to Syracuse: Gerry McNamara is one of the Floss' least favorite Big East players ever. He single handedly took Cuse to the Big East Championship game that year. Then he laid an egg against Pitt in the title game, but Pitt couldn't muscle through. Black Magic and Aaron Gray couldn't bring this one home. This game led the Floss to punch a hole in the wall along the stairs leading down to his basement. A bloody hand and a screaming Mother of Floss (more on MOF later) put the exclamation point on this loss. Funny that the Floss covered the hole up with an autographed picture of Carl Krauser he bought off eBay. O the irony.

10. Miami--Pitt 2003: I don't know why the Floss went into this game with such high hopes, but he did. This was to go to the Orange Bowl. Why the Floss trusted in that years Pitt team is beyond me? They had a loss to Toledo on the resume plus a 52-31 shellacking to West Virginia in the teams previous game. It was Larry Fitz's last game at Heinz Field. It just had a magical atmosphere. I remember walking up the rotunda with the loudest "Let's Go Pitt" chants the Floss has ever heard to this day. That game was probably the game that should have taught me that Pitt football will always let you down.

9. Game 6, Pens--Wings 2008: This game would probably be a lot higher if hockey had meant more to me growing up. Last year it did take over from about April through that last playoff game. Game 6 hurt so much because of the unbelievable comeback in Game 5 with Petr Syk's called goal in the third OT. If the Pens pull off the Game 6 upset, everyone knows that anything can happen in Game 7. Some losses make you a better fan. Game 6 qualifies under that category for the Floss.

8. 04 AFC Title Game: The only AFC title game the Floss has attended in his lifetime. The Steelers were the 1 seed, but the Pats were real hot and 3 point favorites. The game was never really close. Big Ben was a rookie and completely gagged in this game. However, what Ben has done since then has clearly made up for his performance this game. This game just stung because it seemed like a magical year and the loss killed the chance at an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl.

7. Super Bowl XXX--O'Donnel: This game would have been much higher had the Floss really understood sports at this time. The Steelers definitely should go down in history as 2 best plays going into halftime and coming out of halftime. James Harrison's INT for 6 this year, NORM! Johnson's surprise onside to start the 2nd half of Super Bowl XXX. This game also sent the Floss up to his room crying when the Steelers couldn't pull the 2nd half comeback. This game also coupled with the fact that there were a bunch of bandwagon Cowboys fans littering the halls of Heritage Elementary School. What awful parenting. Larry Fucking Brown. You fucking suck.

6. Sun Bowl: Most people consider this game meaningless, not I said the Floss. As a diehard Pitt football fan, this game meant 10 wins and an exclamation point on a solid season. It was also the final time as a fan to watch Shady McCoy with the PITT across his chest. He didn't even have a good game due to the quarterbacking or lackthere of by Billy Stull. This game epitomized the Dave Wannstedt era: no offensive adjustments, attempting a 57 yard field goal with 2 min left in the game and a 4th and 7(not 27, which would have still been unacceptable), Wanny calling a run play on the play before to set up a 57 yarder btw, Wanny putting in the backup quarterback when it is too late only to watch Bostick and Dorin Dickerson(another player Wanny ruined) connect over the middle like a vintage Trent Green and Tony Gonzalez. To boot, the play by play announcer for the game: Verne Lundqvist. The same man who called everyone of Pitt's NCAA tourney games this year. Kiss of FUCKING death. He should join Billy Packer in the World of Old Men Who Fucking Suck head manned by Joe Paterno.

5. Khalid El Amin: The worst collapse in Pitt history. A chance to beat the number 1 team in the nation for the first time in school history(ironically happened with the Floss in attendance again this year against UConn, uncanny) ruined. MOF(Mother of Floss) took the Floss and CINC to this game for some reason. I still don't know what possessed MOF to take the Floss to this game. She pretty much deserves credit for all of my sports blowups for subjecting me to shit like this(For Christmas one year she bought me tickets to go see Pitt vs. Bucknell at the Pete, still the only non conference loss at the Pete, one of only 10 there total). Isaac Hawkins makes the worst inbounds pass in the history of basketball and then Khalid El Amin goes down and hits a floater in the lane to beat Pitt(the god damn irony). However, not all bad as this was one of a handful of times that the Floss got to see the Pitt men in action at the Fitzgerald Field House.

4. 2002 AFC Divisional Playoffs v. Tennessee: For those of you who don't remember this one, it was the Dewayne Washington running into the kicker game. This game was set up by, still the most unbelievable sporting event the Floss had ever been at, the Wild Card game at home against the Browns. That game made you believe. That game made you think that this team could be a team of destiny. Tommy Gun Auto Maddox could pass all over the field this year. He would have been the best quarterback in the league if Rich Gannon wasn't being "the original Tom Brady" for a two year period. What sucked was that if Joe Nedney doesn't flop on Dewayne Washington's still boneheaded play and the Steelers got the ball, they were scoring. No doubt we score and head to the AFC Championship Game. Sidenote: This was probably the most dejected the Floss can remember Dr. Of being after a game.

3. 2003 Notre Dame at Pitt: Julius Jones sets a school record in this game, 262 yards rushing against the Pitt Panthers. ND wins the game 20-14, and Pitt couldn't even unleash Larry Fitzgerald against them because the defense was so bad. This year took a toll on the Floss' belief in Pitt football. We lost to Toledo, Notre Dame, West Virginia, Miami, and Virginia. This game prompted one of the most ridiculous outbursts in the Floss' history. Only 3 of the Floss' friends were on hand to witness, but the Floss himself remembers the breakdown. It started with a simple shouting of "My team, my school, my life" after this horrible game was over. A phrase that if you ask some friends of the Floss, especially Mother Earth(not a reader) he will re hash this meltdown so well. After the shouting of "My team, my school, my life", the Floss started a walk around the neighboorhood in socks. Halfway through, I Hulk Hoganed the shirt off, still an amazing move to this day. Then I started punching stop signs. Needless to say the Floss arrived home in black socks, a shirt ripped straight down the middle, and with a grossly bloody knuckle. MOF was not pleased, but again still her fault.

2. Scottie Reynolds: This game is still hurting my feelings especially after watching Penn State still play basketball while I know Levance Fields is somewhere crying in Mercedes Walker's arms with a few double cheeseburgers. Pitt had the game, then they didn't have it, then they might get overtime, then BOOM, it's over. All of it is over. This loss hurts because this was the year for the Final 4. A complete blue ball feeling to get bounced in the Elite 8. Not too mention Pitt is losing 4 of 5 starters presuming Blair leaves, which no doubt he's out. Cupboard bare and 2 points from a Final 4. This one still stings, plus the fact that we will get to see this shot for years to come doesn't feel good.

1. 2001 AFC Title Game: 11 Point Favorites and playing at Heinz Field. This game was a lock right. We got the gift the week before when the Raiders lost against the Pats right? No, we were subject to the teams special teams problems all year leading to a punt return touchdown by Troy Brown. Then we injure Tommy Terrific, we are set right, no Drew Bledsoe "Armed and Dangerous" throws for a touchdown as soon as he enters. The Steelers fight back diligently to get within 7 and have the ball. Then Kordell Stewart throws his 3rd pick of the day. This game hurt the most because this was when Steeler Fandom was at an all time high. We deserved the Super Bowl that year. It was ours. It hurt the Floss especially since I was always a quiet supporter of Kordell Stewart. I thought he could do it. I thought that was our year. That game made me feel that we would never get to the Super Bowl, but look where we sit 8 years later, 2 Rings Deep. The loss to Nova made me feel that we would never get to the Final Four. Let's see where we sit in 8 years? Hail to Pitt.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


After a pretty pedestrian 24 of 32 in the first round, the Floss is semi embarrassed to see Wake Forest go down in the first round. Wake was the only loss the Floss had going anywhere, sadly they were going to the Elite 8. Talking about the Pitt game will just dampen my already dampened mood. Remember all of these picks are made with the CURRENT teams.


Louisville OVER Siena: The Floss gives Siena mad mad respect for beatin tOSU in Dayton. Louisville will be too tough for Siena though. Confidence: 80%

Arizona OVER Cleveland St.: Air Bud looked like a P.I.M.P last night in the win over Utah. The big gripe here is still Utah was a 5 seed? 3 12's beat 5's. Cleveland St. crushed the Floss' bracket for now, so eff them and the Browns. Confidence: 60%

Kansas OVER Dayton: Kansas did a good job holding off Ben Woodside of North Dakota St. Dayton beat WVU on the back of a career day from super soph Chris Wright. Kansas could easily have a let down, but the Floss doesn't think so. Confidence: 70%

USC OVER Michigan St.: Michigan St. has been overrated for a while now. USC looked great yesterday. Daniel Hackett, Taj Gibson, and Demarr DeRozan are a fine big 3 for me. Upset Alert. Confidence: 55%


Connecticut OVER Texas A&M: The Floss thinks UConn can easily get the win today, but hearing the analysts give them so much credit for having a huge day and tearing up Chattanooga. Honestly, against 16 seeds you either look normal or bad. Sadly Pitt looked bad, but UConn's win taught me nothing either. If Pitt plays ETSU 9 more times, we win all 9 and probably one by 40. Point made. Confidence: 75%

Purdue OVER Washington: Purdue will be the farthest B10 team in the tourney in the Floss' opinion. Chris Kramer is one of the many man crushes the Floss has. Sadly no one outside of Washington and Mississippi got to see the Huskies first round game. I don't buy into Washington's guard play. Confidence: 75%

Mizzoura OVER Marquette: The Floss would love for Marquette to pull off this upset for Dominic James and Buzz Williams, but it probably doesn't happen. Missouri still confuses me, but I think they get it done. Confidence: 70%

Memphis OVER Maryland: Nice start for the ACC, ha ha ha. Coach K really thinks that Clemson and Wake can play with the top 4 in the BE: Louisville, UConn, Pitt, and Nov? Memphis is way too solid inside to lose to this over achieving Terp squad. Confidence: 80%


PITT OVER Oklahoma St.: After the debacle that was yesterday, expect a very very pissed off Pitt team to come out on Sunday. Would Fields win an eating contest against Byron Eaton? Bounceback win for Pitt Sunday. The letdown won't happen til the Sweet 16 if it happens(Hint: It won't). Confidence: 100%

Wisconsin OVER Xavier: Wisky has been the Floss' upset team for a while. Great win last night. Love Bo Ryan and his Soulja boi dance antics. Confidence: 75%

UCLA OVER Villanova: I'm taking Ben Howland's boys now. Nova has the pressure of Philly in their minds. Shipp and Collison have a ton of experience. Just a hunch here. Confidence: 55%

Duke OVER Texas: Bash Coach K one sec, now I'll praise him. Texas is really good, but I'll take Coach K over Rick Barnes every day. This game could be close. Duke wins it tough. Confidence: 60%


LSU OVER North Carolina: Upset, Upset, Upset. LSU is long and athletic and has players to stop Cryler Hansbrough. Lawson might not play and if he does, won't be 100%. That's the ACC player of the year not playing. The Floss doesn't see having the horses to beat LSU. Confidence: 65%

Gonzaga OVER Western Kentucky: Gonzaga is a Floss favorite. Western Kentucky's ride is over. Confidence: 90%

Arizona St. OVER Syracuse: James Hardin rules. Glasser, Kuksis, and Pendergraft, O my. The Floss loves Arizona St. as a team as previously stated. Cuse is overrated again and will bow out early. Confidence: 75%

Oklahoma OVER Michigan: Blake Griffin is going to the Final 4. Michigan maxed out their season. Before the year, if you told their fans that they would win a tournament game, they would be ecstatic. Anything else now would be gravy. Very little shot here for the Wolverines. Confidence: 85%

UD...It's coming.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


For today, just the first round picks, then look for the 2nd round picks on Saturday morning. Here are the Floss' first round picks with confidence numbers as well. As always, you should bet against these.


Louisville OVER Morehead St.: No analysis needed. Confidence: 100%

OSU OVER Sienna: The Big 11 sucks in the regular season, but come tourney time they do well. Plus OSU gets a home game in Dayton. Confidence: 75%

Arizona OVER Utah: Arizona is supremely talented. Scared about Russ Pennel's first NCAA tourney appearance. However, on the heels of Air Bud, AZ wins. Confidence: 55%

Wake OVER Cleveland St.: A former number 1 team in the country, the Floss loves the Deacs. In the Floss' Elite 8. Cleveland St. is a really good team and they could beat a lot of teams, just not Wake. Confidence: 85%

WVU OVER Dayton: WVU is really really good. The Floss has said this all year not after they outplayed the Panthers on Thursday at MSG. Dayton's PG is hurt. Gimme game for the Eeers. Confidence: 80%

Kansas OVER North Dakota St.: Kansas is in the Floss' Final 4. Sadly Ben Woodside won't get a win for NDSU. NDSU is the Floss' favorite story of the tourney outside of Sam Young's 200 point tourney that he is about to embark on. Confidence: 90%

BC OVER USC: USC got hot in the Pac 10 tourney although the Pac wasn't strong this year, SC did look impressive. Tyreese Rice should have a big game in him, maybe 2? Confidence: 55%

MSU OVER Robert Morris: God would the Floss love this upset for the Colonials. The Floss is still pissed Bobby Mo didn't get the 14 I was hoping for. At least they got a B10 team with no real over powering star. Confidence: 90%


Connecticut OVER Chattanooga: The Mocs have one of the coolest nicknames in the field, but have no chance. Confidence: 100%

Texas AM OVER BYU: Actually a coin flipper here. Literally no insight. Bad luck usually follows the Floss. Confidence: 45%

Purdue OVER Northern Iowa: Watched a lot of the MVC championship game, this is easily the worst MVC team to make the tourney in at least 5 years. Purdue is HOTT right now. Confidence: 90%

Washington OVER Mississippi St.: Remember Georgia last year, Miss. St. is the same, maybe a tad better. Washington is pretty underrated and Romar is a good coach who won't let Wash lose to a team that is mismatched this much. Confidence: 85%

Utah St. OVER Marquette: Utah St. has 30 wins and a 26 year old center. Plus Marquette is as cold as Brighton Yourdayup was. Confidence: 60%

Missouri OVER Cornell: This game could be close for 30 minutes if Cornell can slow down Missouri and they hit their shots. Cornell was probably good enough for a 13 seed. Mizzoura still takes this one. Confidence: 80%

Cal OVER Maryland: Maryland won some nice games and deserved a berth in the tournament, but they aren't that impressive. Jerome Randle is one of the PAC 10's coolest players. Really strong pick here. Confidence: 75%

Memphis OVER CS Northridge: Memphis LOVES playing bad teams. This is the same as playing Houston for them. Confidence: 100%


PITT OVER ETSU: No explanation necessary. Confidence: 110%

Oklahoma St. OVER Tennessee: This pick was based solely on conference strength. Tennessee probably hasn't played a team as good as Oklahoma St. in conference play. Confidence: 60%

Wisconsin OVER Florida St.: FSU is way to overhyped. They really aren't that good. Wisconsin plays solid defense and the B10 always wins in the tourney for some stupid reason. Confidence: 55%

Xavier OVER Portland St.: No analysis. Probably watched Xavier once and never seen Portland St. Going with the higher seed. Confidence: 75%

VCU OVER UCLA: Eric Maynor and Larry Sanders are both NBA players. Maynor might even be lottery. VCU beat Duke two years ago and took Pitt to OT. They won't be afraid of Howland's gang, who is traveling 2500 miles across the country for this game. Confidence: 60%

Villanova OVER American: The Floss doesn't think Nova is very solid, however they get HOME games for two rounds. This is as bullshit as when Pitt got to play at Mellon Arena a while back. A huge disadvantage to Pitt is in a bracket with two teams who have home games in the first two rounds. Confidence: 95%

Texas OVER Minnesota: Texas is a really strong team that really underachieved. If Rick Barnes can get them to play up to their potential, they might be able to pull off the upset over Duke. Tubby is already looking for his next job. Confidence: 75%

Duke OVER Binghamton: Tony Kornheiser would prefer otherwise, but the Binghamton Bears have ZERO chance at the upset. Confidence: 100%


UNC OVER Radford: Amir Johnson gets his 2nd mention in one week on the Floss. Hopefully they can pull off the first 16 OVER 1 considering Ty Lawson won't be playing. Confidence: 97%

Butler OVER LSU: Butler is one of the Floss' favorite teams. Plus it would also be awesome if the SEC didn't have one team win a game in the tournament. Matt Howard is the coolest white big on the planet. Confidence: 60%

Western Kentucky OVER Illinois: The injury to Chester Frazier will hurt the Illini. Western Kentucky is a pretty damn good team. Take the Hilltoppers. Confidence: 65%

Gonzaga OVER Akron: Steve McNees is another WPIAL stud who probably has no chance. Gonzaga is in the Floss' Elite 8. If you watched the Gonzaga UConn game earlier this season, you would know what this team is capable of. Big fan of the Zags. Confidence: 90%

Arizona St. OVER Temple: James Hardin rules. He is one of my favorite players in the tourney. His 2nd favorite school was Pitt therefore he gets Floss lovin. Fuck Temple for knocking out Duquesne in the A10 tourney. Confidence: 75%

Syracuse OVER Stephen F. Austin: The Floss HATES Syracuse. Probably more than West Virginia. How can you possibly root for that piece of trash Eric Devendorf? They are one and done. Confidence: 85%

Michigan OVER Clemson: In case you haven't noticed, the Floss is believing in the B10 in the tourney. Clemson sucks. Bad coaching, undisciplined, just nothing that bodes well for a tourney game. Confidence: 65%

Oklahoma OVER Morgan St.: Oklahoma is in the Floss' final 4. The Floss believes in Blake Griffin. Truthfully, Oklahoma is flying way way under the radar. They went from possible overall number 1, to the 2nd ranked 2 seed. They still have talent and Blake is only getting healthier. Confidence: 100%


No the Floss will not be celebrating St. Patrick's day tonight. A quiz tomorrow is taking precedent. However, if the Floss could go to the bars without going to the hospital, St. Patrick might prevail. It has been a way way too long ride as a sub-legal adult, where drinking tonight would be relatively alone. Would the Floss really be celebrating if he was with <5 people? Floss no think so.


Usually toward the end of the ROL Season, the episodes start to heat up. This past Sunday was no different as we got to meet the X's of all the hoes. Unless you are Beverly and your X-Husband didn't "respect you enough to show up". Honestly, I feel for this man. He knocked her up when she was 18 and semi hot. His family pressures him into marriage. They have a kid, they love the kid which gets him through the first 5 years of marriage. The other 2 kids they have get him for a few more years. By the 9th year they were together, he called his mom and said "suicide or divorce?". So he gets the divorce and now realizes how much he loves life. He has custody of their three kids, but he STILL loves life way way more. It wouldn't surprise me if he makes every possible effort to not see her. However, his not showing up somehow got her into the Final 4. Bret has never fucked up with a girl more than he has with her. Then Brittanya's boyfriend was the fan favorite, Royal T. Royal T was a straight up G, but his lying to Ambre and Heather got Brittanya into the fight which led to her demise. It also could have been that Brittanya couldn't hold a conversation for longer than twelve seconds. James was another one of the best X's to show up. His "nobody pulls my pussy" line was too good which led to the little segment where Bret is shown playing the guitar and literally pulling his pussy. The three occupations that came to mind when seeing James were Mexican mob boss, bouncer at a strip club, and Mexican mob boss. Still he looks like a perfect fit for Ashley in this strange world we live in. His arrival got her sent home as well. Now we have a Final 4 of Mindy, Taya, Jamie, and Beverly. This would be the equivalent of the NCAA final 4 of Pitt(Mindy, a favorite), Michigan St.(Taya, once was on top of the mountain, now is attempting to stay close to the top), Mississippi St.(Jamie, A team that came on strong at the end of the season), and Radford(Beverly, probably the most unlikely scenario ever). Amir Johnson at Radford and the Floss both know that Radford making the final 4 would be less of a surprise than Beverly making it this far. Right now the odds to get into the winner's circle:

Mindy--85%. The hottest left, plus the least crazy. Lock to the final 2.

Taya--11%. Bret finds a digital camera with a bunch of pictures of her doing things with PentHouse stuff on, more obvious plugs for the magazine. Bret gets pissed.

Jamie--3.99%. "I just feel bad because if you were here from the beginning and I had more time to get to know you, things might be different right now". Yep that's how she's going out.

Beverly--.01%. Seriously, could he really pick the ugliest girl on the show. Not too mention the bitchiest left. Not too mention 3 kids and an X Husband. Not too mention an alcoholic.