Tuesday, March 17, 2009


No the Floss will not be celebrating St. Patrick's day tonight. A quiz tomorrow is taking precedent. However, if the Floss could go to the bars without going to the hospital, St. Patrick might prevail. It has been a way way too long ride as a sub-legal adult, where drinking tonight would be relatively alone. Would the Floss really be celebrating if he was with <5 people? Floss no think so.


Usually toward the end of the ROL Season, the episodes start to heat up. This past Sunday was no different as we got to meet the X's of all the hoes. Unless you are Beverly and your X-Husband didn't "respect you enough to show up". Honestly, I feel for this man. He knocked her up when she was 18 and semi hot. His family pressures him into marriage. They have a kid, they love the kid which gets him through the first 5 years of marriage. The other 2 kids they have get him for a few more years. By the 9th year they were together, he called his mom and said "suicide or divorce?". So he gets the divorce and now realizes how much he loves life. He has custody of their three kids, but he STILL loves life way way more. It wouldn't surprise me if he makes every possible effort to not see her. However, his not showing up somehow got her into the Final 4. Bret has never fucked up with a girl more than he has with her. Then Brittanya's boyfriend was the fan favorite, Royal T. Royal T was a straight up G, but his lying to Ambre and Heather got Brittanya into the fight which led to her demise. It also could have been that Brittanya couldn't hold a conversation for longer than twelve seconds. James was another one of the best X's to show up. His "nobody pulls my pussy" line was too good which led to the little segment where Bret is shown playing the guitar and literally pulling his pussy. The three occupations that came to mind when seeing James were Mexican mob boss, bouncer at a strip club, and Mexican mob boss. Still he looks like a perfect fit for Ashley in this strange world we live in. His arrival got her sent home as well. Now we have a Final 4 of Mindy, Taya, Jamie, and Beverly. This would be the equivalent of the NCAA final 4 of Pitt(Mindy, a favorite), Michigan St.(Taya, once was on top of the mountain, now is attempting to stay close to the top), Mississippi St.(Jamie, A team that came on strong at the end of the season), and Radford(Beverly, probably the most unlikely scenario ever). Amir Johnson at Radford and the Floss both know that Radford making the final 4 would be less of a surprise than Beverly making it this far. Right now the odds to get into the winner's circle:

Mindy--85%. The hottest left, plus the least crazy. Lock to the final 2.

Taya--11%. Bret finds a digital camera with a bunch of pictures of her doing things with PentHouse stuff on, more obvious plugs for the magazine. Bret gets pissed.

Jamie--3.99%. "I just feel bad because if you were here from the beginning and I had more time to get to know you, things might be different right now". Yep that's how she's going out.

Beverly--.01%. Seriously, could he really pick the ugliest girl on the show. Not too mention the bitchiest left. Not too mention 3 kids and an X Husband. Not too mention an alcoholic.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Floss,

I would have really liked to see your NCAA March Madness predictions as well as your thoughts on the Panthers. If they are going to have any trouble, where at? Vs who?



Floss said...

The tourney picks are coming tomorrow. Have no fear. They will be published before 11AM tomorrow so everyone at work can have no fear.