Thursday, May 22, 2008


Although the Floss tries to come up with more creative titles usuall, Mike Lange's call being re-played over the radio waves is in my head and for good reason. Until now Lord Stanley to me was just the most dominant Pap of all time. Lord Stanley's Cup is what we are playing for now. The coolest trophy in all of pro sports. Way cooler than a ring(which you get anyway), cooler than a crystal football(the Floss would drop it), cooler than the World Series trophy(which looks like a bunch of rods sticking out of a tree stump), the Cup is just cooler damnit.

Reading the Post Gazette the other day got me very sad about the future of the Pens. I had realized that it wouldn't be the same every year due to the salary cap and all that, but 12 un-restricted free agents is a ton. Knowing that Hossa was a rent-a-player is almost a sad concept, but it is all business. If you think about all the players who probably won't be back, it really hurts because we have grown to love them during the past season(further with some). Ruutu, Orpik, Laraque, Malone(hopefully not), Talbot, GOD Roberts, Dupuis, it just sucks. Some may be back, strongly pulling for Malone, Talbot, and Dupuis, but you never know. This Penguins team has been more lovable than the Steelers team that just won the Super Bowl in Detroit(wink wink) only 2 and a half years ago. In football, the second stringers don't do much. In hockey, everyone plays. This season so many players contributed at some point, it just seems fitting that they all deserve to kiss Lord Stanley's Cup. Even Kris Beech up there chewing in the players suite(I see ya kid). I just love this team. I think this team deserves a Cup. A story book season. This team lost the best hockey player on the planet for a large part of the season and never lost a beat, because they have the second best hockey player on the planet. They lost an elite goaltender for a long period of time, only to see a journeyman come fill in and play like a Hall of Famer. An aging veteran making one last go round. A star player trying to earn his first Cup while silencing the critics who say he doesn't play in big games. A team playing under new owners who put their necks out their to save hockey in Pittsburgh. A team that wants to win for Mario Lemieux who saved hockey in this town. I just don't see why our rag-tag band of stars and scrappers shouldn't beat the FUCK out of the old ass Red Wings. Why should the Pens win this series? Just because.



-Yeah I did it this way because Simmons did it this way, it's my blog I will do what I want.

-To win in the NBA, you need guys who can run the pick 'n roll and guys who will play defense.

-You could also have Kobe or LeBron in the NBA. I know Bron Bron is gone, but really, could the rest of the Cavs beat the Heat at the end of the year, NO.

-Gregg Popovich might be the best NBA coach I see in my lifetime. And I've seen the zen master Phil Jackson.

-Doc Rivers is a moron. I never thought I would root for the Pistons. One of my top favorite players on the Pistons is Flip Saunders. Yeah, and this is the team I'm rooting for.

-Murrysville used to have cheap chew. O the good 'ol days.

-The parquet floor at the Garden is one reason to root for the C's, maybe the only reason.

-Did I mention that the Pens are in for a DECADE OF DYNASTY?(trademark)

-The Buccos are officially the Succos again. Back to normalcy.

-Brad Lincoln is off his 2 years of rehab and is pitching again, nice.

-Pitt still doesn't have a football commit. What the hell?

-Pitt football will win 9+ next year, more on this later.

-Nas Robinson still hasn't qualified for college, and Devin Ebanks to WVU, damnit.

-The Paper might be the most entertaining MTV show yet. The gay kid on that show is hilarious.

-Best season of the Real World in a while.

-I gave up on Tila.

-Your 2008 Conn Smythe Winner: Marc Andre Fleury

-If you had a choice would you work for Decicco Construction or paint houses with Luke Nix? These are important things to think about.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

-no one will ever be better than phil

-you need more info on the manliness of hal gill

-the pirates do not need you calling them the succos on this nationally read blog, it hurts their feelings and mine
