Friday, December 11, 2009


Never has the Floss called someone out like he's about to. However, I want to call someone out. It's YOU Mike Tomlin. Now the Floss ain't no ordinary Yinzer. The Floss idolizes Coach T. He was my favorite coach in Pittsburgh. Sorry T, but Disco Dan beat you. He watched the Pens struggle and bounced them back quick with 5 of 6. He knows how to manage crisis. You don't. Is the Floss done with you? ABSOLUTELY NOT. Are you the right coach for the Steelers? ABSOLUTELY. The Floss LOVES what you bring this team normally. However, you let them get complacent. It happens. If I'm in your position, I let the vets manage themselves too. You took a baseball approach. Plus you have Bruce Arians. I know he's the favorite scapegoat even when the defense loses games, but honestly can you blame us? The man has never called an efficient gameplan. Literally NEVER. The Floss has no Skoal right now. Everything is more emotional than normal. TCP(The Climax Pool), aka Pitt traitor, brought up to me that Tomlin should bring in HIS Tampa 2 next year. I completely agree. Let Tomlin coach. The Rooney's have LOOSELY, I emphasize LOOSELY, micro managed my man Coach T so far. Coach T had our squad ready to WIN a title last year. You know why? It was cause he knew the expectations. They are HIGH. He should take us places. Coach Tomlin is Ma Dude. Bench Ben the rest of this year. The Steelers are an organization with ZERO moral victories. We want a draft pick. We want to trade up for NKadkadoajomamajamajma Suh. Look for that. Why Tomlin can't get complacent? How many ELITE level QB's happen every decade? About 3, this decade...5 for some unGodly reason....Eli, Brady, Manning, Ben, Brees(no win yet). Rivers, get to a conference title game, you can join. This decade is different. But back to the issue at hand...Tomlin CAN'T LOSE...He CAN'T. The Steelers have a peak Ben for 5 more years IMO. 27 to 32. 5 YEARS. If Tomlin can't win next year, unload the bank. We need a Coach that can get Ben another title. If you don't believe this, you are naive. I hope it is Coach T, dat's ma dude, but if he leads us to a first round exit next year, unload the bank. Honestly, unload the bank. Bring back Dungy or Cowher for a year. It's so ridiculous, make it work. We aren't building something here...IT IS FUCKING HERE. With Ben it is WIN FUCKING NOW.

Editor's Note: I just re-read this. The Floss' first re-read of a post EVER. It made more sense than anything ever.

Please, Please, Please leave comments. I would love to hear any comments on this entry or the Curtain.


Anonymous said...

I just had two alka seltxer "wake up call" tablets. I'm hungover as shit and got 10 hours of sitting in a cubicle in front of me. I do pull this cool trick where i get in my car at lunch time and drive to this methadone clinic parking lot and take an hour nap...and I thought that was going to be the highlight of my day. But not anymore. Now that I got the bank unloaded on me this morning along with a 4:21 a.m email to check out the Floss...there is nothing but bright skies ahead.


WV: Jinessi

"Jinessi make me queasy, don't want to hurl, young brotha take it eazy." - 2Pac

Anonymous said...

Steelers are too old. Fire Tomlin, worst coach in the NFL. Trade Ben, Dixon is the future.

Anonymous said...

Someone has to fuck the fat chick at the bar. This time it's just the Steelers turn...Last year it was the Pats.

Three weeks ago it was your turn in Greensburg, but your morally declined.



"F-U Ike Taylor"

Anonymous said...

Remember when I said "It doesn't matter, I work hippie hours"? Well I didn't take into account how long I'd be drinking. GF won't talk to me, and now I showed up to work drunk, 30 mins late, and jumped straight to the floss. They need an old school offensive coordinator who can put together some sort of a running game. I'm not looking for the Jerome years, but time and time again Arians can't effectively use a running game. How many of our losses could have been avoided if we could just grind it out. Granted, this O-Line sucks (especially when hurt) but we've been able to effectively run the ball when we've tried.

Plus, my reasoning on Tomlin switching the defense is this will be the first time that it would make sense. For the first time since he was in Cinci, Coach Dad looks bad. Very Bad. We don't have corners. Big Snack's gone after this year. James Farrior is now officially the ghost of James Farrior. Everyone is going to want a change this summer and I really think we see the Tomlin 2.

On a less suicidal note, how good do the Mountaineers look? Really pissed the kid from Turkey is suspended but we'll get him back for final four run. Steeler Nation is hurting, but all is well in Huggstown.

WordV: ultables

Floss and I agree they should have gone no huddle and let Ben call ultables at the line.

PittTraitor (Like this one more)

Anonymous said...

Since I have no real vested interest in the matter of the Steelers, I'll offer my outsider's view on "the Situation." (shout out jersey shore, perhaps the greatest show ever created because it's reality, jersey is that bad)

It seems to me the Steelers have gone away from what works. Whether that is on the OC or Roethlisberger audibling at the line, influence on the calls whatever. Your team is built upon a ground it out offense philosophy with an attacking high octane defense. By running the ball and keeping the other team's D on the field you are not only wearing them down but also keeping your defense fresh which is crucial when you play a defense solely based on creating pressure and rushing the QB. This throw the ball 30+ times offense not only looks like a square peg trying to fit in a round hole but it burns the defense when they are trying to create pressure late in the second half. Which is why they can't get off the field at the end. I've seen it way too often with my team.

As for a way to fix all of this, use your 1st round pick on a O-lineman, I don't care who, a road grader type that you can get back to your old ways of imposing your will on the opposition. Hell use your first 3 picks on Olineman. Regardless of whether or not Ben wants to 40 times a game that's not how you win, your not the Eagles/Pats/Saints etc. your team is built for smash mouth football, it's like Stull asking Cig to run Houston's run and shoot. you can't expect a beat up oline to sit back and pass protect the majority of the game.

The defensive front is solid but it would be worth looking into upgrading the MLB position. Once you guys get Troy back next season the defense will be fine. Like night and day with him in there.

That's enough rambling for now. Glad to have you back on the regular Floss.

-Mr. S

Anonymous said...


What's your take on PITT to the Big Ten?


Anonymous said...

Can we get a new f'n blog up?!

Anonymous said...

WTF floss. Get to Fuckin work with a new Blog. Pitt B-ball is solid, NFL Playoffs, there are many topics to opine about.

WordV -matatr

"That girl was so nasty but MATatr."

Anonymous said...

If I check this blog one more time and it said "I'm not sore... I keep stretchin", I'm going to be very very angry.


wordv: gulti

"Floss is gulti of public urination"