Friday, November 30, 2007


Protestors in the Sudan are demanding the execution of the British schoolteacher who let her class of Sudanese children name a stuffed teddy bear, Mohammad. She was convicted of insulting religion and sentenced to 15 days in jail. Protestors at the scene were armed with knives and swords. The protestors are angered at the 15 day jail sentence because it is not harsh enough. Other punishments that Ms. Gibbons could have faced were 40 lashings, up to a year in jail, and/or fines. The Floss doesn't usually take stances on religion, but this is ridiculous. First of all, she let the class pick the name. It isn't her fault that the kids are exposed to the name Mohammad every day. They are 7 year old kids. They did not try to deface the Muslim religion. Not too mention that her punishment is too harsh already. Where does the school come in on this? They could have fired her or suspended her without pay, but instead she has to serve time. The funniest part of the story is the fact that the Sudan allows lashings as forms of punishment. How can you even take the Sudan as a serious country? Ms. Gibbons should be freed and get the hell back to her homeland, Britain. God Bless America.


First a special Happy Birthday to my biggest fan, Dom Berardinelli. The Floss wishes you many more. I was thinking about birthdays and what they meant to me. I can give you a run down on birthdays 1 through 21(Note, 2 years away). Enjoy

1. First taste of birthday cake, mmmmm.

2-4. Who cares?

5. I feel like this is the birthday or at least year when you get the battery car that you can drive and you can pimp the neighboorhood hoes.

6. Now you get a bike, fuck bikes.

7. Game systems time, Super Nintendo was a dope present

8. Action hero era is in its prime(note the Rockers, Marty Jeannetty and Shawn Micheals)

9-12. The last three years of toys, a mess of 4 years of birthdays.

13. Teenager, wooo. One of your last uncorrupted years.

14. Videogames, start talking about driving.

15. Start getting clothes as presents, goes downhill.

16. Got my first car, an awesome birthday.
17. The in-between birthday. Shitty.
18. Chewphoria. Great feeling.
19. Canada. Fuck the US Dollar.
20. Haven't been there yet. The worst in-between birthday.
Daredevil Evel Knieval died at the age of 69 today. Not popular in much of the past decade. His legend lives on whenever anyone tries to do insane jumps. He was fearless. He lived his life on the edge. His 69 years were impressive due to the nature of his career. "People wanted to associate with a winner, not a loser. They wanted to associate with someone who kept trying to be a winner--Evel Knieval." This quote sums up the legend of Evel Knieval although doesn't it sound a lot like Rece Bobby in Talladega Nights. Sadly, this quote stood out most to me the most in the article on his death. The Floss would like to send out condolenses to the Knieval family.
In Always Being a Winner.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout out. i still have those rockers figurines.