Friday, April 4, 2008


I've flipped sides on things before, this is one of those times. I have been bashing baseball since the blog was in existence, but reserve a seat for me on the Bucco Bandwagon. The Floss doesn't really know much about John Russell other than I love his attitude. Jim Tracy seemed like a bitter individual, so everyone knew he would never win. Russy Russ seems like a players manager. It just might be what the Pirates needed. I also like to envision the speech he got before he accepted the job to go like this..."Well John, we don't have the players right now to win. The team isn't in place for you to win baseball games. Just promote development, get a guy to have a career year, keep the guys happy, and next year you will be rewarded with your team". Then Russy Russ just walked out, thinking that the Pirates ownership is bullshit, and he was gonna win now. So he just motivate himself to play each game like it was the World Series. While this team won't stick around for probably half the year, right now they have a nice little team out there(minus Gomez and Rivas, Bixler please). If Nate McClouth can keep up his torrid pace through three games, he could be the homeless man's Grady Sizemore. Who doesn't love that hunk Sizemore? What? X gon' give it to ya might be the best Pirate. He is going to be tough to give up at the All Star break. Hopefully this won't happen because the Bucs don't lose more than 22 games til then. One of the reason's for this optimism is DROF, his drunken love of the Pirates makes me want them to win for him. He has no concept of the 162 game season. When the Buccos won the opener, you would have thought they clinched the division or even won the World Series. And now he goes on to play Hannah Montana? Lord. Just jump on the bandwagon. The Floss is wasting valuable Goldfish eating time.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see you've come around. Let's hit a buccos game, either by semester's end or over the summer.

Anonymous said...

Lets go buccooooooosssss..