Wednesday, April 9, 2008


With warm weather starting to rear it's beautiful head, that can mean only one thing, it is spobby(sport+hobby) season. This Saturday kicks off trout season. Fishin', which ranks as the Floss' number 2 spobby(1. Golf, 2. Fishin, 3. Softball) will begin at 8 AM sharp on Saturday morning. For all of you who know the Floss', his family, and friends, starting at 8 AM clearly wouldn't make sense. Now, for the fishing afficianado's out there, our lines will not be in the water until 8 AM, but the fishin' adventure will start much earlier. How much earlier? 15 LONG hours. At approximately 5 PM on Friday, COF will pick up DROF and myself. Who else will accompany us? Jah Banni(, blog of last years adventure), RTHB(Red Titted Hoss Bear), Mick(50 years young, much respect), Rick(COF and Jah Banni's co-worker, only met once), and Tim the HHR(read the other blog for details, Rick's step-father). Since the Floss basically only picked up fishin' last year out of pressure from COF, this will be his inagural trip.

Last night, thanks to the B Man, the Floss was able to get the main necessities for Saturday. They included a brand new fishin' pole, some line for the pole, hip waders, and a fishin' license. The funniest part of the trip was trying to find the right hip waders. Little did DROF or the Floss know, there was a difference between the waders with the foam on the bottom and the ones without. Since we both picked the waders with foam on them, it led to an interesting convo.
DROF: "We just rip this foam off once we take them out of the bag?"
Floss: "Yeah, It probably just keeps them packed better"
DROF: "Okay, thats what I thought"
When DROF checked out, I noticed that the waders were 29.99 instead of the advertised 19.99. Quickly I pointed this out to DROF after he paid. So we got a customer service representative(who was eye raping the hell out of the sexy cashier at the time) to find out where that ten dollars was located. Turns out that the ten dollars was actually the foam pieces on the bottom of the waders. They actually are called felt-bottom waders which makes it more pleasant when you step on rocks. Of course, we took the extra ten spot in our pockets over the rock-friendly waders. Currently I'm taking bets on what kind of injury DROF and I will suffer from having the normal rubber bottom waders.

The Floss also is preparing to make a list of things that he will definitely need to bring for the trip Friday/Saturday. The list looks something like this:
New Rod(currently nameless, suggestions welcomed)
Natalie Bass(backup rod, great name)
Fishin' Vest(Xmas present from MOF)
Hat(gonna rain, notice, not a fitted)
Backup Clothes(honestly, right now the odds are at least 2:1 that I fall in the water)
Tackle Box
Fishin' Chair(on the shoulders of COF)
Fishin' License(probably going to forget and have to pretend to be <16 years old, not hard so long as I'm not in the sweater vest)
Skoal x 2(Loooooooonnnng Night)

Really I have no idea why I'm so excited for opening day this year. Last year, the number of legitimate fish the Floss reeled in is definitely countable on two hands. I guess I'm just looking at it from a baseball perspective. Since I didn't get in a full season last year, the Floss is still a rookie of the year candidate. Since the Floss is most definitely a negative Nancy, I have thought about things that could mess this trip up. They start and end with alcohol. First it starts Thursday night, while the Floss is currently vowing to not drink Thursday, this probably won't happen. More realistically is DROF who is pledging no Vlad Thursday(probably would need legal representation to make this dream a reality). Then we turn to Friday and when to start boozing. The belief here is that we are going to leave for the creek(crick) at 6PM(Deer Creek is in Indianola, PA, 35 min away). With a drive like that, no doubt DROF is going to want a "roadie". Shit, we could be goin' down the street and DROF would want a roadie. Even if I don't start drinking 'til a more reasonable time like 8, that is still 12 hours of drinking. Last Friday I completed 17 hours of drinking, so saying it can't be done is a lie. However, the stupid old heads will probably dare me to do something like 42 shotguns in a row, and like Tom Petty, I won't back down. With all of this said, if we run out of beer, the blame goes squarely on COF's shoulders. Sorry, but facts are facts. If we need a keg, I will build a raft for the stupid creek, just don't let us run out of booze.

Basically, to all the loyal fans of the Floss I want your support. When you wake up Saturday morning, your first thought/txt message of the day is too see how many fish I caught. Again more realistically was I alive for the fishing. See now I'm excited.


I'm breaking the Floss' Curse on the Pens by writing about them right now. While I'm excited for opening day of fishin', I'm pissed that I will be missing game 2 of the Ottawa-Pens series. However, COF assures me that his 44 dollar crank radio will come through. First things first, we have game one. Bryan Murray is a d-bag for thinking that we tanked it on Sunday against the Flyers to get his team. He knows they are weak and is making a public plea to get his team fired up. Sorry Murray, your team is going to shit the bed tonight. 5-1 Pens, 2 for Sid, 1 for Geno, 1 for Malone, and 1 for Ryan Whitney. Here is who the Floss would be playing for Game 1:
Whitney(for 7th defense)--Beech--Laraque



Anonymous said...

Great stuff. You will not be dissapointed. Your fishing chair is pimp. Not quite as pimp as mine (no backpack capabilities), but you will be pleased. I plan on 3 30 packs. If we finish 90 brews amongst 5 or 6 beer drinkers...well we need help. GO BUCS!


Anonymous said...

No love to Tyler Kennedy???? Beech/Sydor instead of Kennedy.... you need to re-think your line choices. Also no love to Roberts? Not sure if you forgot about these guys. It really doesn't matter all that much because the 4th line will only see the ice 4 minutes per game depending on how much we are winning by. Hope that radio holds up.


Anonymous said...

I hope that is not your picture with the coffee pot

Anonymous said...


I'll be sending a message saturday morning.