Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Quietly the Floss has been following the Pens this year. No love in the blog since many fans prefer the non sports posts, and the Pitt Panthers basketball run deserved all of the sports talk. Now after the best postseason(NCAA tourney), we get the second best post season, the hockey playoffs. Reasons I like the hockey playoffs more than any other playoffs:
--Number of games. With 7 game series, you are guaranteed to get to see your favorite team in at least 4 games.
--Playoff Beards. I love playoff beards in any sport.
--Short Layoffs. In the NBA, they have 3 day layoffs a lot which makes you forget about the games. It also loses the emotional connection. A day between games leads to that emotional hatred you get for the opponents.
--Hockey. It's nearly impossible to follow the hockey season due to lack of national coverage. During the playoffs, you can actually get into the playoffs. For the Floss watching other hockey teams play only once a year is pretty special.


The hatred for the Flyers hasn't left anyone on this team or anyone in the city of Pittsburgh. This series is different than last years series in many ways. The Flyers are coming in struggling this year versus last year when they were on fire. The Pens come in this year with experience, but maybe a less talented team. The Floss was pissed when Malone left town this offseason, but has Chris Kunitz replaced him? I actually think he might be better than Malone. He is faster on skates than Malone, and he also attacks the net as much as Malone did. Kunitz has replaced him. Bill Guerin is no Marian Hossa, but he has been playing well. Plus since he wasn't really trying hard playing for the worst team in hockey, his legs should be fresh for the playoffs. I can't tell you if this year or last year's Crosby is better, but he is still Sidney Crosby. Malkin IS better than last year and he has 2 years of playoff experience under his belt which will help. Plus his line this year is probably better with Fedotenko over either Malone or Talbot last year. The Pens are also deeper this year lines 1-4. Jordan Staal had his best season and also will be in his 3rd year of playoff hockey. The same can be said for Tyler Kennedy playing his best year. The 4th line has Talbot and Dupuis on it, who were both top 2 line guys for playoff games last year. Everything looks stronger this year. On defense, we have a fresh Gonchar who hasn't played the full grind due to his injury. Kris Letang will also be playing this year, and he has also had a great year.

I think just like last year that the Pens are the only team that can beat themselves in the Eastern Conference. The only thing that scares the Floss is the lack of home ice. As for a prediction...PENS IN 5


Anonymous said...


I will have to wholeheartedly disagree with your assessment of the series. I get it, Flyers are from Philly, BOO Philly.

The fact of the matter is the Flyers can match the Pens with talent if not more so given the fact they had 6 25+ goal scorers over this season. That's not including that damn French Canadian Briere. Also different from last year, Philly was missing 3 of its top 4 defenseman which is huge when you are playing arguably the top 1-2 punch in the league.

The series will come down to special teams and goaltending. I give the edge to Philly on special teams (numbers don't lie) and the edge to the Flower and Pens in goaltending. In any case I don't see the series ending in anything less than 6.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

I agree that the series will come down to special teams and netminding.

However, the Pens depth should count for something in the series. True, Philly does have six (not counting Danny boy) players with 25 goals, but nobody else has scored over ten goals. The Pens can bring four pretty solid lines, toting two of the three best players in the world:
BABG-Crosby-Kunitz, Sykora-Malkin-Tenko, TK-Staal-Cooke, Dupuis-Talbot-Satan/Adams/Gods
Philly will have some trouble with the Pens depth.

It's hard to say what's going to go down in the series. There's so much to look at. Don't forget that the Flyers could be pissed that the Pens took them in 5 last year. Although that was last year. These are two totally different teams.

Floss, you like Ryan Malone wayyyyy too much.

Anonymous said...

Good points, should be a great series.

Mr. S

Word V:

I'm completely PESSEA that I am stuck in work till 9 tonight while the game is on.

Anonymous said...

Fuck The Pens.


We don't live in Quebec, Massachusetts, Michigan, Vermont, Rhode Island, North Dakota, Maine or Connecticut so HOCKEY doesn't matter.

I am a bigger fan of the Succos than the F'n-Guin's! How can anybody be a fan of a sport where 95% of the players can't even speak english. Look at our star player Geno, dude can't even conduct an interview after the game.

And I know your rebuttal: "Baseball players don't speak a lick of english either!"

...And your right! But baseball is America's past time and the Great Bambeno is turning in his grave over this issue.

-The "MC"

Anonymous said...

I'm sad the bucs first night game is not on tonight, but i'll accept that the pens game is more important... I passed on a ticket hours before the game, due to too much bourbon mostly, but watching the pens was a big factor. Playoff hockey is great, reg season before the last month is real boring, unless drinking. My hatred, not for philly, but for the d bag fans is a big driving factor in this series... go pen

word v: swighom

"The pitch, Nate Dog with a big swighom, and its in the river, call the river watch, raise the jolly roger, pirates win pirates win"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

MC -

As you said, "Baseball is America's passtime!!" Move on from the past and into the future.

Although I still love watching the Pirates, they will not be good until MLB changes how teams share profit and with New York paying billions of dollars for new stadiums I don't see that happening anytime soon.

The best thing that can happen to Pittsburgh right now is to have the Pens follow up on the Steelers championship and bring the cup back to Pittsburgh. This might knock some sense into the Pirates upper management and have them spend a bit more money on some key players.

Anonymous said...

Mr. S - You are 100% completely incorrect on your assessment of the Thugs from Philly being as talented as the Pens. Let me remind you, hockey is played with 20 guys not 6. Yes, the Thugs had 6 25+ goal scorers but their 3rd and 4th lines couldnt make the Pens roster. You need 4 solid lines to win in the playoffs and the Thugs dont have it. As evident of the dominate performance from Staal, KEEENNNNEEEEDDDY, Talbot, Dupuis & Tank last night.

Also, Biron is a joke. He never should have played last season with Nittamaki riding the pine.

Pens in 5 MAYBE 4.

Stan Savran

Anonymous said...

Mr. S - Does that stand for Shit face? What a dumb ass post. You must be a Flyer fan?! Which explains your idiotic remarks.

Anonymous said...


Should have known you idiots couldn't view things objectively. Typical Pittsburgh, for as much crap you like to talk about Philly having idiot fans, this city takes the cake. I will have anyone vouch for me that I call it like I see it. I don't think every Philly team is the best, nor do I believe every player on said teams is the greatest at their respective positions. I was once told Freddy Sanchez was the best infielder in the league. Another fan went on to tell me that Marino and Montana had nothing on Big Ben. I live in this city, proud to be a Pitt alum but 80% of this city's fan base is completely delusional.

I'm a fan, I support my team and voiced an opinion in a reasonable manner. I would continue by why waste my time.

The Pens kicked ass last night congrats, if Philly continues to play like they did last night then the Floss was spot on in his prediction.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

fuck philly

Anonymous said...

MR S - Move back to that shit hole you're from if you dont think the delusional people in Pgh.

Remind us, please. When was the last time the Eagles, Flyers or Sixers WON anything?

Ben - 2 SB Rings
Marino - 0 That's ZERO.

You decide who's better.

Rumor is you and Mike Richards visit bathhouses together.

Anonymous said...

You win,

You can come off like a bigger jackass than you already have.

"MR S - Move back to that shit hole you're from if you dont think the delusional people in Pgh."

So you agree??? Try to form a legitimate sentence next time you address me. I apologize if something got lost in translation but I don't speak retarded. For now go sit in time out and let the men speak.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

Is Mr. S CINC in disguise?

Anonymous said...

No - I am not Mr. S

Although I do hate hockey and did live in Philly for awhile. (Dr. Of was born there) But I did own a Flyers jersey in 1st grade (while living in Philly).

But I hope the pens win to keep yall happy.

WV: worat

"Here's a quarter. Go downtown. And have a worat gnaw that mole off the side of your face."

Anonymous said...

You just tried to suggest Big Ben was better than the greatest QB of all time. WOW. Championships are won with defense and a running game. Which is why Pittsburgh has 6 of them. Though I'm not sure you can even consider yourself a fan after that comment. You obviously know nothing about sports and any argument you may have with that statement is moot because of what you just said above.

As for your other point, I see you conveniently left out the Buccos/Phillies, since we are having a selective memory during this discussion I am going to leave out the Steelers/Eagles. So let me see, Sixers versus... well are the Xxplosion still around? I heard Pittsnogle was in a doublewide down in West Virginia.
Flyers/Penguins, while its true the Pens are playing as a much better team right now, if we look over the course of work the last decade or so, I think you will find that more often than not its Philly in the post season. How else would you have Crosby, Malkin and Fleury? Again the Pens are playing their best hockey of the year right now and are in the position to walk away with this series. Phillies/Buccos well I won't even touch on this debate because we all know the Pirates have a date with history to break the record for most consecutive seasons with a losing record (17), which is probably held by the Phillies who knows?

So let me reiterate, I am a Philadelphia fan, I support my team, I give credit when credit is due, and right now the Penguins are playing great hockey, it's a shame internet muscle men/d bags like yourself, whoever you may be can't hold a legitimate conversation about sports.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

Mr S tickles Simon Gagne's undercarriage.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Of was born in Philly? Shaaaammmeee

Anonymous said...

Stop arguing about Hockey!
Nobody gives two shits about Hockey!

Pittsburgh will be a football town until the day we all die and the Pirates will be known as the Succos until the day we all die(...Unless Jay Bell and Andy Van Slyke somehow un-retire and Orlando Merced upgrades his rec-specs)

Also, who gives a shit about the rivalry between Philly and Pittsburgh. Let's analyze this..

Steelers > Eagles
Phillies > Pirates
Flyers = Pens
Pitt Panthers = Sixers (use imagination)

As far as I'm concerned, the only reason Pittsburgh has an advantage over Philadelphia is because we are farther away from New Jersey.


Anonymous said...

and I'm sorry but you people that act like sports is the only thing in life are fucking idiots.

Don't get me wrong, Sports is an essential novelty in American culture and I enjoy it as much as the next yinzer. But how in the hell is your life going to change if Philly wins another pennant? Or how is your life going to be personally affected if Pittsburgh wins another super bowl? Do you see a spike in your salaries or hourly wages? Do you personally get a ring? No, in fact you lose money because that's another three weeks of hard drinking that would otherwise probably not happen plus Super Bowl T-Shirts/Hats.

Stop acting like someones opinion from another city is like blasphemy and grow the fuck up.

Knowing how many points a game Brandon Knight averaged his junior year isn't going to get you a job.

Peace Fuckers