Friday, October 30, 2009


After the 3-7 miserable week last week, the Floss is preparing for a near perfect weekend. This week I'll give explanations for my picks since I want to keep the readers happy and I'm having writer's block.



This could be my favorite pick of the week. USF is not nearly as bad as they played versus Pitt. They were hanging with Cinci through halftime. One big play killed the game for them. West Virginia really hasn't been tested outside of last week's weird (considering the circumstances) win over a less prepared UConn. South Florida isn't losing 3 in a row.

Rutgers (+7) OVER UConn

RU is actually a pretty good football team. They have a defense that is pretty stout plus a legit playmaker in Mohamed Sanu. Both teams attempt to control the ball. I never like betting on a team I don't think will win with a low spread like 7, but I just feel a 17-14 game here. Take the points.

Indiana (+17.5) OVER Iowa

Iowa hasn't blown a team out all year except Iowa St. They just lost Adam Robinson for the year. While Brandon Wegher is a beast, I don't know if he can carry the offense for Iowa. Iowa's last two road B10 games were 3 and 1 point losses. Research.

USC (-3) OVER Oregon

Probably my least confident game. Or at least 2nd to the next game. Pete Carroll has turned around the Trojan Horse. Plus all I keep hearing is about Autzen stadium being the hardest in the country to play in. Everyone and their mother loves the Ducks this weekend. The Floss isn't everyone or your mother.

Georgia (+14.5) OVER Florida

Just too many points in a rivalry game. Georgia is pretty bad though. This was just a pick to get to 5 college games. Clearly a winner if I'm not this confident.


Packers (-3) OVER The Favres

If you believe in a higher being or at least the sports gods, you know what I'm saying here. The people of Green Bay treated Favre like a God for years, now this. The sports gods will win out.

Panthers (+10) OVER Cardinals

The Cards are riding high after last week. Jake Delhomme can do it baby. Never back Jake Delhomme should be a slogan. Hopefully last years playoff thrashing will keep the Panthers focused.

Falcons (+10.5) OVER Saints

The Saints won't beat the Falcons by this many. The Saints are due for a let down game. This is a winner. A winner.

Bills (+3.5) OVER Texans

The Floss still doesn't buy into the Texans. The Bills actually are putting together a decent season. Call it a gut feeling. I like home dogs when they aren't one of the 8 worst teams in the league (Titans, Browns, Lions, Raiders, Skins, Tampa, Chiefs, Rams).

Dolphins (+3.5) OVER Jets

The Floss absolutely loves the Wildcat. I also love Ronnie Brown and Ricky Williams. I don't buy into Franchez or whatever his new name is. Mark Sanchez screams Tony Romo to me. He will be an average QB for his entire career, get way too much hype, and never win a big game.


Anonymous said...

I don't disagree with all your picks, but the ones I don't necessarily disagree with I wouldn't touch. One of us is gonna be a big winner this weekend floss.


Anonymous said...

Floss, The son of FFOF and FFOF went to the Pitt/Slippery Rock Exh game yesterday. FFOF thinks it's going to be a VEERRRRYYYY long basketball season. No scorers and too many FROSH with limited defensive ability.

D.Taylor is going to be a BEAST but wont be here in three yrs to enjoy the development of his FROSH classmates.

IF this team wins 20 games, J.Dixon should be given a lifetime contract.

Anonymous said...

Floss - Settle an argument, should Pitt and Penn State renew their rivalry in Football? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...


Pitt/Penn State should definitely play every year, JoePa just needs to keel over so our respective ADs can get a deal worked out. Whether it's 1 and 1 or 1, 1, and 1 in Philly (split the revenue) it's a travesty that this game isn't played every year. If they played this year I would like the Panthers regardless of where the game is played. Unbiased opinion of course.

Can't make it to the game this weekend Floss, I expect play by play updates not sure they will have the coverage down in Florida.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

Time for an update... Time for an update...