Wednesday, December 2, 2009


The Big East Champion will be decided around 3:30 PM EST this Saturday Dec. 5th. The last time Pitt won the Big East it was in 2004 with a backdoor tiebreaker. Then Pitt got rolled in the Fiesta Bowl, and axed Walt Harr(ithhhs). This time around it is completely different. We have built a team destined for success in the short term and long term. Pitt can turn their biggest corner with a Championship Saturday. They will be facing a very very good opponent. A beatable opponent, but a legit top 5 team nonetheless. Some questions you may be wondering:

Floss, what happened to your beloved Panthers in the Brawl?

Well, it was a rivalry game. Rivalry games are close a lot of the time especially when they are played at the "team with nothing really relevant to play for's" house. WVU is a very good team, don't let their few close losses fool you. Pitt is better and wins that game at WVU 7 out of the next 10, bank it, but not that day. Fucking Tyler Bittancourt going 4 for 4 and booting them in from every hash was a sight to see. No sour grapes, cause our season still has Championship potential. Adam Gunn said it best when he said, not direct quote, "Coach gives us 24 hours to mourn a loss or 24 hours to celebrate a win".

What about 2nd place?

If we finish in 2nd or 3rd, really I don't care. We are too good of a team to care about a moral victory 2nd or 3rd.

What area are you most concerned about going into the Cinci game?

Special teams. The Floss has 100% confidence in his man Danny "Clutch"ins booting field goals. I am nervous about our lack of punt returning, since Wanny just loves watching Aaron Smith catch the ball rather than take a risk with Killa Cam, but Wanny loves the safe play. I'm more concerned about Mardy Gilyard returning kicks and punts. Our kickoff coverage has been good all year. Wanny loves his directional kicks, but I hate that style. Honestly, doesn't every fan? Who hates watching your team either squib or short kick just to watch the other team start at the 40? I see directional kicking being a part of this game. I don't want Mardy to beat us with a long return, but I also don't want Pike to have a 60 yard field every time our offense scores. Our punt coverage has been suspect, but directional punts are fine. I hope Hutch, who has punted pretty solid all year, can do a few nice 45 yard net out of bounds guys.

What about the scary Cinci passing offense?

I'm not scared if we tackle. We cannot let guys run all over the field on us. We let up a shit ton of yards to ND's WR's, but only 14 points. That is the key. Points. Hold to field goals. It's more about getting to Pike in timely downs. Forcing long 3rd downs and getting off the field on them.

What about Bill Stull's struggles in the Backyard Brawl?

I will not comment on Bill Stull struggling much since he is a big a reason as anyone why the Panthers are 9-2. I will say that the lack of creative playcalling was shocking. Coach Cignetti didn't run screens or draws even with WVU bringing the heat. It will be interesting to see how he adapts to going against a 3-4 alignment.

How many points will the Panthers need?

30+. I truly don't see Cinci scoring less than 28. Their offense is really that good. I know their defense is allowing a measly 19 points a game, but the Panthers offense is averaging over 30. We aren't slouchy Panthers on offense.

Flossin' Prediction?

Well the Panthers will win the TO battle 2-1 with a pick by Aaron Berry and a strip sack by Mick Williams. Dion will have a big 20 carry 140 yard performance. Billy will lead the offense to 37 minutes of possession. Cinci will attempt a late rally capped by a failed onside kick attempt. The Panther crowd will then start the "BCS" chant as Floss drinks Andre under the Victory Lights all night long.


Look forward to another blog this week hopefully, but never trust promises from a blogger.


Anonymous said...

I don't think this is going to be as high scoring as normal Cinci games. I think Pike will struggle some and that Pitt will control the clock bc Cinci has no chance of stopping Lewis.

But, in the end, when Cinci needs a big play Mardy Gilyard will make it.

Cinci 27 - Pitt 24


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ur mum makes big plays in the end.


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