Sunday, December 13, 2009


Well, the Floss has had many reality TV show ideas in his day, this one is his new favorite. The Floss has done some serious serious bro-ing out with Dr. Of lately. Like more bro-ing out than when he slept approximately 12 feet from me for 9 months (no homo). Now that Floss has made a serious switch to Bar Floss, life has become more interesting and much much more expensive in this new World. "Bro Hunt" is sort of a spin-off on the popular MTV show "Bromance" however less Hollywood, way way more yinzer. The idea came to me while watching Dr. Of attempt to make friends with anyone and everyone at any bar. Let me break it down for you:

--The show would be set around Pittsburgh, hence the yinzer aspect.

--The main character would be Dr. Of. He would be the focus of the show, however, he would have wing-men/sidekicks/narrarators.

--Bar Floss' recent posse has been that of Dr. Of, Dub Nick, and Blues Traveler. I don't recall Blues Traveler having a nickname, but it plays on his Worldly exploits. He will now be BT from now on.

--The show would be unlike other shows because the cast wouldn't be completely random. The cast would be formed by Dr.Of on nights out around town. He would go into the bar and need to make a choice within an hour. Dr. Of wouldn't be able to interact with them much. Just maybe an informal greeting and a high five. He could make the choice with or without advice from his trusty entourage(Floss, 55, and BT).

--We would pick different styles of bars. Dr. Of's Favorite: "yous know, 'dem local bars witout all da hip and trendy people". We would force him to go hip and trendy, local, yinzer, really yinzer, etc.

--Dr. Of would go to 5 different bars and pick one bro from each location. This would all be done while filming with a hidden camera. Once Dr. Of picks his 5 bro's, the real fun would begin from there.

--Each week would be filmed from a "normal" night of Dr. Of. The new bro would start at the very onset of Dr. Of's drinking day. Lately it has been 3:30ish on a Saturday. They'd start with the first part of any drinking afternoon, the liquor store. This is when Dr. Of begins his judging process. If Bro 1-5 picks out a bottle of gin, he will be dropped like a pass to Limas Sweed. Next would be the buying of the "schma glibs". If Bro 1-5 picks out plain chips, he might be a little to Floss for Dr. Of. Next trip would be the gas station. If Bro 1-5 picks out Marlboro Menthol Lights, Dr.Of would give said bro ZERO respect. Camel Lights, the most bro of all cigarettes would gain instant respect. A side order of some Skoal Mint Pouches would be big tymin' for said bro.

--Next would see Dr. Of at a bar with the bro candidate. The bro candidate would need to adapt quickly to the sitch(situation). An empty bar is prime judging ground for Mr. Of. He can figure out if the bro can figure out if he can make friends in a light environment. Floss has learned one too many times that it is tough to make friends with people in a low social environment. (Just leaked chew spit on myself...GROSS)

--Can this new "bro" slap skin? An absolute necessity for any friend of Dr. Of. Dr. Of needs some sound with his high fives. Dr. Of is the only one able to judge this.

--Can the new "bro" hang with the crew? Dr. Of can drink more than anyone I know(including you COF). The Floss has been bourbon drinkin' and CLite smokin' tough just to be in the presence of Dr. Of.

--Can the new "bro" chill wit da boyz? As gay as that last sentence was, it makes sense. Dr. Of has picked this mantourage of Floss, 55, and BT selectively. If you aren't down with his posse than FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCK YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUU.

--Can the new "bro" pick up sluts? Floss can't do this. 55 has pretty decent game and can serve up some layups to Dr. Of, BT has little to no game(No offense BT). If the new "bro" has the lady pickin up skill it might be really really valuable in the mantourage. Only he can judge.

Basically, Dr. Of is callin the shots. Can any new "bro" be brought to the mantourage, no one knows(except Dr. Of), but we will find out.

Bro Hunt is coming to a town near you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro Hunt Update:

Lately Dr.Of has been experiencing bro-goggles. At this point, he may just be trying to add notches on his brobelt, at the time of these digressions, Dr.Of's mantourage was not consulted. This may or may not be the result of consuming mass quantities of Bud-heavy and Beam. Currently, Blues Traveler's OLP'in skills are being tested to search myspace & facebook for potential bro canidates.

On another note, on Saturday January 30, 2010, there was an attempt to bro-it-out with a famed Pirates post game radio show host. It was a great attempt by the Dr., but his advances may have come across too strong and unfortunately were answered with radio silence and awkward glances by a Pirates bullpen pitcher and the talkie himself.

But, on 1/30/10, Dr.Of did get a successful fist pump from Daniel McCutch of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Still waiting to see Dr.Of's advances were accepted by the youthful pitcher.

word v: pickil

"if you give Dr.Of a pickil, he'll ask for some ketchup"

-DUBNIK a.k.a 55