Saturday, January 30, 2010


There are rampant rumors of Pitt to the Big 10. While the Big 10 tough core may not believe it, it's going to happen with a school outside of Notre Lame. When the ACC raided(illegally I might add) the Big East, it set a precedent that possibly will ruin college sports. The ACC gets mad respect in football somehow even though every computer has consistently ranked them behind the Big East for years now.

Amazingly, the Big East has somehow survived...and went 3-3 in BCS games since. The ACC is 1-5, no joke. I shit you not. The Big East has survived, but it has the worst public perception of any conference ever. Clown asses from the MWC and the WAC(k) have been hating since the beginning of the NEW Big East. While the Big East has succeded, it will never get the respect it deserves.

The B10 is at a crossroads. How can they make their conference stronger? If they didn't have a bunch of midwestern cow-fuckers(minus OSU and the whole state of Ohio) they would see that Pitt is the best choice, aside from Notre Lame. Notre Lame will join a conference on a full membership the same time Michael Jordan admits his push off on Byron Russell in Game 6 of the 1998 NBA Finals. It won't happen. So the B10 is down to Cuse, Pitt, and Missouri. Some outsiders like Buttgers and Uconn have a shot, but not really. Cuse has a good coach in place some say, but Greg Robinson was also a good coach at one point. Geographically they make 0 sense, thank god they are pretty strong academically. They also somehow lock up more TV revenue, but it should be a moot point to add Indiana North to the B10.

Missouri has a good fan base coupled with a pretty central location. They will bring in more TV dollars than Pitt, not more than Cuse. However, academically, it is a school that is basically Tier 3 except for very few programs at the school. If anyone from Missouri wants to argue this, I would tell you to look at the US News rankings from about 7 years ago at worst. It's a very average school. Plus athletically, why wouldn't the B10 wouldn't want to add a perennial 5-9 football school and a 7-11 basketball school? Anytime you can add a school like that it makes sense right?

Now the case for Pitt. A top 50 public University that would be in the top half academically in the B10. A school that has one of the highest research endowments of any school in the country, if you believe in the B10's fake ass missions. A school 5 years the Floss guaran-damn-tees will be in the top 3 schools of the B10. It is what it is, and Pitt is ultimately it. Athletically, Pitt to the B11 brings a basketball school that puts the conference next to the ACC every year for the strongest league. It's a fact, not a statement. Football wise, Pitt plays B11 style football already, how hard would it be to finish 4th or better every year...not very. Even with the bias nationally that it is tOSU and Meetchicken every year, Pitt finishes top 6 every year in the league...another fact not a statement. Would Pitt have to steal recruits from tOSU, Meetchicken, and Gay State...yes. We would do it gladly. The recruits might enjoy going to school in a major city versus a cow pasture or whatever they call campus in that fake ass conference.

I talked about this with a very close friend(not you TBrush). His dad is a very very big Nitter who blindly believes in the B10 and all it offers. He also loves every g-d thing that Gay State offers. I asked him about what his dad thought of Pitt to the B10, his exact response, "my dad says Pitt would be a decent fit, but they don't take enough PRIDE in their Olympic sports". You could honestly look for a bigger pussy answer anywhere and you wouldn't find one. Does Pitt give a fuck about Men's Gymnastics or Womens Volleyball....FUCK NO. However, does said father know that Pitt has about 45-50 million(depending on how much John and Gertrude Peterson can shell out) on brand new Olympic facilities? He probably doesn't cause he's too busy looking at the Penn St. hoops schedule looking for that first B10 win(NIT Champs baby!!!!!). Not too mention that Penn St. is a wrestling powerhouse. A really really solid school. Do you know who they wrastled with to a draw this year? PITT. So honestly, if this is a reason for the Nitters, I hope you are happy I just ruined your argument. And if you cite our Olympic sports when you pick Mizzou or Cuse, I will honestly laugh in your face.

A Nitter is probably sitting there sayin', if you are hating on the B10 so much, why do you want the conference this bad? To that I say...because you get respect because of history. While you may never truly ACCEPT the Panthers whoopin' your ass year in and year out, the public will. I want the B10 because I KNOW the Panthers will FUCKIN' DOMINATE YOU.

Since I know the B10 wants another diaper soft squad like Indiana, I'm not getting my hopes up. However, if the B10 and YOU want a challenge, fuckin' bring it. It's on. GAMETIME.


Anonymous said...

If Pitt leaves the Big East, I'll be sad.


Anonymous said...

the irresponsiblity of internet blogging, like this piece of shit blog, is out of control nothing will happen until the next 90 days.lets put an end to the rumors 4 now
about 20 hours ago from web

Anonymous said...

Floss, how dare you support a move to the Big 10.

Floss said...

First of all, KDPomp, if you actually knew when this blog was posted you wouldn't be so angry. I never once said anything was going to happen. My post was actually about 18-36 hours before the real rumors started, so thanks for the "0" you contributed. I never ONCE said it was happening. I have a few people inside(very loose connections) that tell me it will happen very soon. Truthfully I do believe within a month. No one will believe me. If the Floss is wrong, I will still say Pitt will be the 12th in the B10. You called my blog a "piece of shit blog". Is that an insult? Cause I'm still pretty sure you read it. Haha. KDPomp? Really, does that mean KillaDickPompousAsshole? I know the A missed, but you aren't a real person, so it's prob true. Check your facts at the door. If you were a real human I could give you every update on the B10 situation. Pitt will be in the B10 by the end of 2010. Bank.

Anonymous said...

Lets GO Mountaineeers
Lets GO Mountaineeers

Are you ready for another beatin tonight SHitt.

2009/2010 Football/Basketball - you are our bitches.

Anonymous said...


How is there not a link to the hit single by 5 Games in October on this site? For shame.

Mr. S

How'd those queers do last Friday???

HatetheFloss said...

That was an offensive foul on Jordan....that is all

Anonymous said...

PittTraitor likes tranny porn.

Anonymous said...

This blog is as useful as a poopie-flavored lollipop.

Anonymous said...


How you like that Bitches

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Worst Blog Ever Invented.

Atleast TruthBrush is real.

Anonymous said...

It's been over 3 months since your last blog. You're a joke.

Anonymous said...

Fake ass blogger. Your ass isn't even doing anything and you still can't blog.

This is bush league.

Anonymous said...

You pay for hookers.

Anonymous said...

Hey DICKHEAD, how about a preseason blog? You like boys if you dont write one.