Monday, November 19, 2007


It might be that I just read Mary Wollstonecrafts, "A Vindication of Woman's Rights" in my philosophy class, or it might be that i'm on drugs, who knows why this article is being written. There is a glaring problem going on in the world of sports outside of steriods and Cameragate. The problem is the perception of women in the sports world. The sideline reporter was brought to life in 1974 by ABC executive Roone Aldridge. Women became involved in this role as early as the 1980's. The sad part about these women sideline reporters is the label they get. They do not get respect for their knowledge of the game and are seen as figureheads, who ask stupid questions that just piss off coaches and players. First and foremost, sideline reporting is dumb anyways. Most avid sports fans agree that sideline reporting offers nothing of merit to a sporting event. So TV Execs obviously know the same, therefore, to stir up some interest, they introduced us to hot, female sideline reporters. Erin Andrews, former dance team member at the University of Florida, is ESPN's go to gal(If I was that kid in the Greg Brunner jersey, I would have this picture on every mantle in my house and over top my report card on the fridge). She does a great job and I do respect her limited reporting. But, seriously, her job is to draw interest because of her looks, not her reporting, sad but true. There are other gorgeous sideline reporters out there too as indicated by the website( The first sideline gal I remember was Suzy Kolber, who is best remembered for Joe Namath saying he wanted to kiss her(one of the best sports moments of the decade). The original hottie, who has been displaced(only barely) by Erin Andrews, Bonnie Bernstein. Some of my other favorites include Colleen Dominguez, Rachel Nichols, and Jillian Barberie(Fox Weather Girl, biggest joke ever). A sad fact with all of these women is that they are mainly stuck to the sideline, except that Kolber used to host Edge NFL Matchup. The sad part is that women never get a chance in the booth of major sporting events. No one lets them go in the booth for a football game or announce a basketball game. The only one I can think of is Doris Burke, who has sadly announced a Pitt game this year. Although, it is very debatable if she has ever had a sex change, and putting her on the same page as Erin(notice I've moved on to a first name basis) is unjust. In our modern day sports world, 3 announcers are needed in the booth, there is no reason that an Erin Andrews couldn't be one of the 2 color "guys". ESPN still lets Thiesman broadcast and John Madden makes comments that my mom makes when watching a football game(ex. If this team wants to win, they need to get first downs and put up some points). Erin and Rachel are long overdue for a job in the booth. Here's to you, women of the sport's world.


Seriously, thanks for showing up yesterday guys. Their paychecks should be returned to the Rooneys, especially Tomlin's.


The most underrated holiday on the American calendar is coming up on Thursday. Thanksgiving, in a nutshell, 3 best things goin, family, football, food. Great f-in day.
1. FAMILY--No one spends enough time with their family. It is a great day to sit around and argue about football, then get drunk.
2. FOOTBALL--First, gotta love how women get the TV in the morning for the Parade, quite possibly the lamest Turkey Day tradition(now I hate on women). The Lions are playing in the first meaningful Thanksgiving Day game in forever, vs. the Pack. Then you get the now red hot Jets playing Homo's Cowboys. Rooting against the Boys is always fun. The night game is on NFL Network and will have as many viewers as this blog.
3. FOOD--Really my favorite of the three. Sooo many side dishes that it is impossible to fit everything on your plate. Mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, green beans, sweet potatoes, probably 9 other carb/veggie combos. Not too mention that everything I just mention can get covered in gravy. The only beef I have with Thanksgiving is that I'm not a big pumpkin pie guy. Give me a tall glass of milk and half a sheet cake for dessert.

Hugs and Handpounds

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Suzy Kolber was my first love, and she shall be my last.

ps pumpkin pie is the shit
