Wednesday, November 19, 2008


The squad better come out ready today. The Bungholes are playing better right now, probably playing for Marvin the Martian's job. Sidenote: Hopefully Marvin Lewis is their coach for 2 more years, then takes over for a retiring Dick LeBeau and our 2/3 black coaching staff would dominate. The Bengals did play 5 quarters for a tie against the slumping Eagles, but they are a fiesty bunch. The Floss is honestly worried about the game. Without a quick start the Steelers could be playing from behind which with our O-Line, the Bengals could get lots of pressure on Ben if he needs to throw. That being said, if we get an early lead, always write off a 1-8-1 team. The Bengholes love playing tough against us mainly cause they HATE Hines Ward cause he torches them like Santonio Holmes torches blunts. I saw something today that said James Harrison is the 2nd best defensive player in the NFL. Well the Floss is here to say that he is number 1. The way he takes over a game is unbelievable. He reeks havoc on all O-Linemen. He forces fumbles, now he makes INT's. Shit, that n*gga can play. Plus a healthy Troy Polamalu helps that defense a bit, huh? I don't care what anyone says, the Steelers are still the Floss' pick to represent the AFC in the Super Bowl. Keep Ben healthy, get Willie healthy, and don't get as fucked as we've been with injuries. The Steelers are for real.



-Duke is overrated again. I can't believe that team is ranked 5th. I know it was one early season game, but the Floss is here to say that Duke will be a 7 seed in the tourney. Seriously, does Jon Scheyer scare anyone? Singler? Hendo? This isn't JWill, Booz, and Dunleavy. Sorry Dukies. Remember CINC, I'm a Duke fan second.

-The Floss also says don't take too much from the whole transitive property of winning thing. Pitt killing Miami OH was impressive especially with Big Ben in attendance, but because Howland's boys only beat them by 4 doesn't make us unstoppable. The real problem with this Pitt team will finding a solid rotation. Once Gil gets back who's minutes will get taken. Pitt also lacks another solid ball handler. Tre Woodall and Ash are decent, but if Fields goes down or gets in foul trouble, this could hurt real bad. Brad Wannamaker probably won't work out here.

-For Christmas, CINC can take the 2 hour trek to Davidson and pick me up a Steph Curry jersey. 2XL

-Tubby Smith definitely deserved to get fired, huh? Good job Gillespie, you fraud.

-If any of you saw the Arizona--UAB highlights, you must ponder how the Arizona players were that unaware of the score. Seriously, one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. Way worst than C-Webb's timeout.



Anonymous said...

You are an idiot.

Singler doesnt scare you? That right there is the dumbest thing you have ever said. Click over to ESPN 2 @ 7:00 tonight and watch Duke play a solid Southern Illinois team.

I am assuming you watched the game against RIU. They had some kid pop off 8/9 from 3 pt line. that will skew the game anyday.

Duke will go further than Pitt in the NCAA's.

If you could put Blair on Duke, put them in the NCAA game. Put Singler on Pitt and you could do the same.

I am going to Davidson Dec. 12th to a game. Already got the tickets. I'll pick you up a Greg Paulus jersey next time im in Durham.


Anonymous said...

Floss- Mailbag was a success. Enjoyed reading.

Two questions to I've been pondering....

-What is your real stance on the Pitt vs Penn State rivalry? If JoePa retires, will this be renewed?

-If you had a choice between having another successful NFL Team or getting an NBA team, which would you choose? (The Pgh Explosion do not count)
