Thursday, April 16, 2009


When the Floss started this blog it was a mere effort to rival the TruthBrush blog run by two of the Floss' favorite people, JahBanni(Truth Brush) or whatever he is known to you and Aimin' for Failure. It was set up to poke fun at them as well as the Floss. The FalseFloss was created for an orginal core group of LFOF(Loyal Followers of the Floss). As the Floss has grown, as has the number of LFOF. Many of the new LFOF(Mr. Shenanigans and Jesus Stanecsworth in particular, also Dub Nick) are great people who provide great commentary and insightful comments about whatever topics were addressed in the Floss.

This is the 99th post in the history of the FalseFloss. The comments section on the FalseFloss started out with about an average of maybe 2 to 3 comments per blog. Nowadays, we hit 10+ with most posts. I used to be happy about reaching 10+ comments, but it has gotten out of control. Every post has turned into a pissing match between the MC(Mad Commenter) and his weekly target(s). Truthfully, you have had about 4 funny jokes EVER. Calling you out probably will only add fuel to your fire, but I don't care because this is just getting out of hand.

Honestly, the FalseFloss is done with your bullshit. It's fucking over you piece of shit Internet tough guy. I used to be worried that the MC was a LFOF in disguise, but after the last comment in "Beard Season" I realized that you couldn't possibly be a LFOF. No one that the Floss converses with will EVER challenge the meaning of sports in today's society.

Am I a sad person because in the morning instead of watching any local or national news in the morning, I tune into Mike and Mike and listen about sports? No I'm not. Is it sad that the 3rd and 4th websites I visit each day are and Actually that might be sad, but it's because that DOES matter to me more than all of the other bullshit in this country. Seriously, am I supposed to wake up and care about the current political issues? Try and make a compelling argument that any of that matters more than sports. So what if I care about what 30 college players the Steelers bring to their SouthSide facilities more than who wins a local state representative election. Do I take sports to seriously? ABSOLUTELY. I will be the first to admit that sports for me turn emotional way too much when they are meant to be entertainment. However, they do mean a HELL of a lot to me. When the Steelers won the SuperBowl did it change my life in any significant way? Probably not, but I will always remember the day we took home number 6. The same way Mr. Shenanigans will remember seeing his first title in Philly's history. Not too mention these are happy moments that we will remember throughout our lives. Sports are the good memories people remember, sadly they can be cloudied by some of the sadder things that will be remembered like the shooting of the 3 Pittsburgh Police Officers. I want to tell my kids some day about Larry Fitzgerald almost ruining the Super Bowl for me, but Ben Roethlisberger leading one of the best drives EVER to win the game. Just like Mr. S will tell his kids about seeing Brad Lidge strikeout the last batter for the DRays(sure he knows the name) and the legendary call from Harry Kalas. These are the things that last on forever and ever. The way it should be.

After saying all of this, I don't even care what comments you can make. The Floss has just discovered that since the blog is essentially mine that I have all rights to delete comments made by anyone for any reason. So I would just like to let you know that your comments will not be had on the Floss any more. As the FalseFloss carries itself into and beyond the Century Mark post, we will be doing it without the MC to provide his miserable and awful commentary.

Thank You LFOF for all of your commentary over the 99 posts. Please make comments about what you would like to see in the 100th post.

WV: DoucheBag

I am glad the False Floss will continue without the comments of the MC, boy was he a DOUCHEBAG.

P.S. Not actually my Word V


Anonymous said...

I want to apologize Floss, I encourage you to continue posting. When there is a new blog up its the highlight of my day sitting here at work. Besides there are too many things left to discuss right now. The Tour De Court, Floss' 21st, the buccos fighting with .500, your thoughts on the ROL conclusion, etc. Don't let one idiot get to you.

Good luck tonight, though I guess my team will need more of it. Maybe without that goon Carcillo out we can actually see some hockey, wish Hartnell was out too, get some of that stupid out of him.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

I used out way too many times in that last sentence, guess stupid rubs off.

Mr. S

Anonymous said...

Dear Floss,

The only joy I get out of my day in Greensburg is checking your blog because the internet connection is so good in the comp lab.

Hypothetically, do you think you could continue this blog forever? Even when there is little Dr.Of's and Little Floss's running around?

Are you willing to try or will there become a time in the Floss's life where he must call it quits?


Anonymous said...

Wow. I dont even know what to say about that last blog. I did like it however. Well done.

It's your 100th blog....decide the topic yourself.


WV: sphingse

Sometimes I feel the need to puy a sphingse full of bourbon straight into my veins. It gets the job done faster.

Anonymous said...

This shall be my last post on the False Floss. I bid farewell to mad-commenting all over this piece. My workday is now going to be uneventful and dull.

I did not mean for any comments to be anything but sarcasm and I apologize for their eventual downward turn.

Now, I will give my apologies.

CINC: I am sorry. It's just too easy man.

Jesus: I am sorry, but your name is degrading.

Dr.Of: I am sorry

Floss: I am sorry for ruining your blog.

Take it as you will, those are true apologies.


Anonymous said...

mc- although i wish i knew who you were, i accept your appology... this is turning into a gay blog though with all this woman talk... i'm about to get some oregano packed up so the hhr will sleep in the dirt again tonight at deer crick... go pens, go maholm...

word v: hyper (actually a real word, weird)

i don't know what the word hyper-baley means.

off to jersey day/fuck finals friday for some day drinkin and special brownies

also mr. s, i love you and all but next post w/o your word v will result in no hugs next time we meet


Anonymous said...

good call Floss, looking to see ten top ten lists in honor of the 100th post. topics could include favorite things about pittsburgh, top 10 reality tv stars, top 10 fast food joints, and many others.

word V: fullyc

Bret Michaels could FULLYC those titties coming out to play.

- JS

Anonymous said...

Who is Mr.S? JS? DubNik?

Anonymous said...

Now that I spent 45 minutes getting caught up with this award winning blog....we need a opening day fishing blog.


Anonymous said...

Sorry FFOF,

The opening day blog will have to wait until after the 100th Post entry, which could happen as early as Wed if the Floss procrastinates his last final long enough.


Anonymous said...

We want FLOSS, We want Floss.

Anonymous said...

Dear Flossy,

It's me, MC! I'm not trying to hate on the blog or anyone, but could we get a blog today? Thanks

Anonymous said...


Now that it's summer, can we expect a date for the Tour De Court?


Anonymous said...



Floss is causing me TRAMA without reading an updated blog.

Anonymous said...

Where has the Floss gone? Need something to get me through the day staring at this comp. Will the Floss relive his dreams of softball glory this summer?


Word V:

The Floss attempted to post blog #100 but forgot about it after Dr. Of came over with a GRAMB of oregano.

Anonymous said...

The suspense of the 100th blog has caused the Floss to omit himself into the hospital with a bleeding ulcer.

Anonymous said...

seriously! Where are you?

Please someone update us on the well being of the floss.

We have maybe the greatest 7 game series in Pens history, NBA playoffs, plus a plethora of other topics your loyal reads need info on. Please blog!!!

Anonymous said...

thoughts on JB's alleged ass-slap?

- Jesus Stanecsworth

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

One month into summer and zero new posts. WHATS THE DEAL?

Anonymous said...

The 100th post better be a doozie.
This wait is for the birds. I feel like I'm sitting in Microeconomics again.

Get with it numbnutz

Anonymous said...

Floss - Why is Wanny losing all of these WPIAL top recruits to PSU?

This has to be a reason to interest in bloggin again!

Anonymous said...

Pitt will never and I mean ever compete with Penn State again in Football! Write it down, memorize it, it will not happen.

Pens in 7.

Anonymous said...

Should I Take This Off Of My Favorites List On My Office Desktop Internet Explorer?!

Anonymous said...

Is this blog the equivalent of Michael Jackson?

Anonymous said...

This blog went to hell.

Anonymous said...

Going on 3 months now from last post.....
....And nothing

Not a sniff
not an itch
not even a courtesy HJ
....from the Floss

Anonymous said...

The Floss turns 21 this weekend and we cant even get a self-titled birthday blog.

Anonymous said...

Birthday BLOG, Birthday BLOG
Birthday BLOG, Birthday BLOG

How about it?

Anonymous said...

Season previews: Pitt, Steelers, Pens?

WTF, Floss

Anonymous said...

WTF - Season previews, summer break, bachelor party, 21st B-day, 100th blog, CINC's Wedding.

How many more topics do you need before you write again?

At least give your legends of fans some sort of update on your well being!

Anonymous said...

Is the Floss tapped out?

Has his best work been completed?

Is he a has been?

A never was?

5 Months & counting without a post...

...I've seen mold grow with more productivity.

Anonymous said...

Floss, tell us about that commit you picked up for the panthers.

Anonymous said...

The title of your last blog "Ending it right now" really was accurate, huh?

Please Floss, respond to your legends of fans.