Wednesday, October 28, 2009


In case you haven't heard, they are coming. Do you know where the aliens are coming from? Not Dr. Of's backyard. They are coming from the NBA. The NBA? Yep. The new power couple in America: KhLodom. Khloe Kardashian and Lamar Odom will produce a child at some point. The only question is, will it be an alien? The Floss doesn't believe in paranormal life at all, but really if it exists it will come from these two. The alien spawn will be conceived and birthed at Staples Center, which ironically looks like a UFO. The best part about this baby is that Ron Artest and Kim Kardashian could be the god parents. Like this script was written by a Hollywood director right?

Apology on the 3-7

The Floss picks didn't hit this weekend. However, the Floss did end up switching the Cardinals and Eagles and won some money. Sorry to anyone who legitimately backed the Floss picks. They will be back on Friday of this week. There are some ones that I like a good bit.


Phillies in 7. Call it a hunch. I'm strongly backing the Yankees, but I just see a choke job for some reason.

Underrated Lunch of the Day

2 Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, pack of cheese crackers, and a glass of ginger ale. If I had oreo's this day would rule.


Since this weekend is Halloween, the Floss needs a costume. I would love suggestions from any of the LFOF. Little list to close it out. Top 5 Candies to collect door to door (obviously sizes can't be taken into question, cause full size anything was the bomb):

5. Tootsie Rolls--Probably the only time I would eat them all year.
4. Ring Pops--They were awesome. Everyone loves ring pops.
3. Kit Kat Bars--Just Cause.
2. Caramello--Such an underrated candy bar. A Floss fav.
1. Reese's Cups--The best chocolate bar in the entire world.


Anonymous said...

go to this site

Anonymous said...


1) T bagger - wear a Central Catholic HS sweatshirt, baseball hat with t-bags hanging all over it.
2) USED TAMPON - can be bought or made.
3) FLASHER - wear a trench coat and nothing else. You may get laid with this costume.
5) LOVE THE ILLEGAL ALIEN costumes that are now off the racks. You can make one your self.

Anonymous said...

Buy an OSU polo, and OSO visor, and carry the front page of a sports section. Not only do u get a hilarious costume, you also get to yell "Look at me, I'm a man, I'm 40" all night.


Anonymous said...

Idea #2 is you find that shiny silver stuff that they make get well soon and it's a boy/girl balloons out of, cover yourself in it, and go as balloon boy.

Anonymous said...

ur mom went to Central

Anonymous said...

Quasimodo the Hunchback of Notre Dame

Anonymous said...

Teen wolf?

Anonymous said...

The Road. This Halloween costume is perhaps the simplest to create. All it requires is a long sleeve black shirt, black pants and white tape. A black sweat suit will work too. Using thin white tape, start underneath the neck and go all the way down the legs. Make two solid lines on the sides, with broken lines in the middle. Clever and simple, this homemade Halloween costume will garner plenty of comments.

Anonymous said...

Round up Dr. Of, FOF, CINC, Dub Nic, and the gang get white undershirts (should be a nice 5-pack available at your local target) get a black sharpie and scribe "Go Ceilings" on the front of your shirt. Ceiling fans.

Mr. S

word v: comine

When turned down but yet another female at the bar the Hurricane pulls out his go to line "oh comine and take a spin in the hurricane."