Thursday, December 20, 2007


This is probably the best Thursday in terms of sports of the year(maybe first day of the tourney is better). First Pitt vs. Duke at the Garden at 7 and then Steelers vs. Rams at 8:15(Navy vs. Utah in the Poinsetta Bowl too). Tomorrow should probably be considered one of the many hangover days built into your work schedule. A case of beer and a large pizza per person, lock it up, write it down, championship. Tonight could have four possible outcomes: Super Shitty(Steelers and Pitt loss), Shitty(Steelers win and Pitt loss), Great but Empty(Pitt huge win early, Steelers choke late), and Fuck Yeah(Pitt wins and Steelers win). FUCK YEAH.

Fields-Paulus: This matchup will go Fields way as the most overrated player in cbb will be exposed once again. Fields is quicker and will force turnovers all game. However, if Ramon guards him, it will be a different story as Ramon is slow and reaches often.

Ramon-Henderson: This matchup is really tough for Pitt. I don't think Ramon is anywhere near Henderson in athleticism or quickness. Ramon best be stroking the threes or he will not get many minutes tonight. Look for Gil Brown, Benj, and Wannamaker to get a lot of minutes b/c of their size and defensive ability.

Cook-Nelson: Up til the Ok. St. game, I was worried about this matchup, but now not so much. Cook did a great job guarding James Anderson, who is longer and better than Nelson. Nelson has been stroking the three ball this year, which is a concern. I still like Cook to play well tonight.

Young-Singler: What Sam Young is doing this year has been special, even if a lot of his points were against lesser teams. On defense he is suspect. He can make the big block, but he doesn't have very good lateral quickness. Singler hasn't impressed me much all year. Unless Singler is stroking it from deep, Sam Young shouldn't have a prob guarding him.

Blair-Zubek or Thomas: Blair will own either one of these two. Blair will be absolutely dominant tonight, but Dixon must watch Blair close. The Dookies will be flopping all over the court b/c Dejuan loves putting body on players. Dixon CAN'T let Blair get 2 quick fouls. Zubek and Thomas are about as solid offensively as a MAC level player.

I think Pitt will win b/c that is the homer in me. I also think Levance truly plays one of the best games of his career tonight. Howver, the one thing that scares me is bench play. Dixon has been very hesitant in playing his bench all year. Biggs should give solid defensive minutes and 5 fouls. Benjamin WILL have a huge game tonight. Probably like 12 points and 5 boards in 20 min. Brown has seen his time cut recently and he looked nervous at the Pete last Saturday. I hope he comes to play on the big stage in NYC. We need Gil for defense. Wannamaker and Diggs haven't played in the last 2 games, which was a huge mistake by Dixon. They will probably need to play each around 6 to 8 big minutes tonight. They could be the difference in a W or L because thats how even these teams matchup. When its all said and done I still like Pitt.

Pitt 77

Duke 72

Aaron Gray recorded his first career double-double last night in Washington. Aaron Gray had 10 points, 10 rebounds, and 5 assists in 29 minutes of action. Never saw this coming. Congratuaflossinlations.


Truly lost in all the Pitt-Duke hype in my life are the 9-5 Steelers. How spoiled has Pittsburgh become with the Steelers? They are 9-5 under first year coach Mike Tomlin and fans are going ape shit. They are favored tonight against the Rams and will be against Baltimore next week. Win these 2 games, 11-5. Who wouldn't have been happy with 11-5 at the beginning of the year? If they finish at 11-5(Floss thinks so) they will be the 3 or 4 seed. 3 or 4, it doesn't matter, we aren't shitting the bed at home in the playoffs against the Brownies or Jagoffs. Then to Indy or New England, again probably doesn't matter, both likely losses. The season would not be a disappointment unless the team loses the division to the Brownies. If that happens, all of Pittsburgh will be jumping off the Clemente Bridge. The Steelers WILL execute tonight, and they WILL WIN.



PI-TT......Here we go Steelers

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Everyting that you said in the Duke/Pitt matchup was a lie. GP3 is going to destroy Fields. Not even a close call.

Duke by 9.