Monday, December 31, 2007


The Floss assumes all responsibility for the 11 day layoff. Surveys are in and the readership has dropped 50%. All kidding aside, the Floss is ready to set some resolutions for the "Great '08". This is a good name for the year the Steelers get the 6th Super Bowl. This was going to also include Pitt making the Final 4, but we all know what happened to that team. 10 Resolutions for a "Great '08"

10. Find the cheerleader who took out Levance's ankle and kill her. Seriously.

9. Stop being such a girl about eating a 3 pound hamburger.

8. Line up at Center for the Steelers. (Mahan needs a kick in the ass)

7. Completely go through with the plan to have a boozefest on National Letter of Intent Day, which is Feb. 6th, 2008(Great '08 when TPry commits). 36 days away. If TPry commits, you can double my tab on the 72 hour coke binge. (Note: The 72 hour coke binge was a promise from me during the 2nd quarter of the Backyard Brawl)

6. Don't gamble on sports for a whole year. (Personal resolution, after football it shouldn't be too tough)

5. Celebrate my first St. Patricks Day. Never drank for it in high school. Stayed in to study last year. I wanna drink some green beer for the first time.

4. 3 roadtrips for Pitt football games. This is a big one. I wanna go to Notre Lame and beat up on some Catholics. I don't know where number 2 is, it is the big question mark(Cinci, maybe Cuse). Number 3 will be a bowl game. I have wanted to go to a bowl game since I started following Pitt football. This should be a resolution for the Pitt football team as well.

3. Pay no attention to the '08 election. As long as Hillary Cunton doesn't win, I really don't care. Seriously, I don't care.

2 a. This is a 3 part resolution. Stop being such a negative sports fan.
2 b. Disacciote with all yinzers who thought that the Steelers loss to Baltimore was a result of bad play, not the players just not giving a shit. This basically means I can't talk to any family members over 30.
2 c. Riot after the Steelers win the Super Bowl(stopping the negativity).

1. Update the Floss 3 times a week in a "Great '08". When people go to review 2008, I want them to say, "I remember that year, it was the year of the Floss".


The Dayton game is one loss, but Levance Fields injury will be many many more losses. I have no idea what this Pitt team will be able to do without him. Honestly, I don't think they are a tourney team without him. Brad Wannamaker is the key. If he can step up into superstardom right now, this team can win enough to make it to March. It really f-ing sucks that the Pitt team has lost 40% of its starters in 2 games. 60% if you factor in that Ronald Ramon has been so non-existant.


I may be out on a limb very alone here, but I am fine with the Steelers performance yesterday. I said all week I wanted rest for the players, which the offensive unit got. The defensive performance was mainly starters, but the defense has been bad and I don't know if they even wanted to play yesterday. How much fire could they have played with yesterday? I don't think the Jagoffs can come and beat us in Heinz Field for the 2nd time in a month. Ain't gonna happen.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the "Year of the Floss" idea.

Bout time you stepped up to the plate on St. Pat's day.

Hopefully '08 will be the year of the postseason for Pitt instead of the year that the only team from Pitt that made it into the postseason was womens water polo.