Tuesday, February 19, 2008


This blog entry is going to be a straight TV episode blog, if you don't watch ROL and the new favorite of the Floss, "Girlicious", then just don't read. I would talk about the sports World, but Pitt hoops has me sick to my stomach(got the black sheep in Juan Dixon's family yesterday to commit though), baseball has now been re-named GAYball, and ESPN continually shows women's hoops on Big Monday. Actually I'm going to address the GAYball issue. First off, is our Congress that free that they can sit and talk about steroids all day everyday? Really aren't there issues in our country more important than a dying sport? Bud Selig effin sucks. He called a tie in an All-Star game for God Sakes. Can't Bud just handle this internally? ESPN is a huge factor in ruining GAYball. They give so much attention to the Clemens/Pettite fiasco. Honestly though, who in their right mind is going to believe Roger Clemens over Andy Pettite? I hope every GAYball player goes to jail. I'm done talking about it. However, the other night I had a dream I caught a foul ball at a Pirates game. I woke up pumped. I feel if I caught a foul ball at a Pirates game, I would probably have to give it back for evidence of a spit ball or something. GAYball would ruin my foul ball for sure.

As for Arlen "E-A-G-L-E-S" Specter and his quest for SpyGate? He rules. Honestly, at first I was angry at him for attacking the Patriots for this. Now, I have changed my opinion. If a Steeler fan/Congressman was out to prove that Neil O'Donnel really did throw SB XXX, I would be elated. Notice Steeler fan came before Congressman, whoever this future congressman may be, his slogan should def. be, "Steelers First". Honestly, what yinzer in the 'Burgh wouldn't vote for him? "You know, if he wants to blow up dat der casino for dem Rooneys and to build a bigger stadium, I say great idear?" This is a World I one day would love to live in.


I would like to give a major shoutout to YCOF a.k.a. DROF for his "relations" with Alexis from Girlicious. While it seems like only yesterday she was singing at bars on the Southside or nearly causing my grandpa heart attacks, now she is about to make it big time on TV. I would like to first point out that I've never wanted someone to win a reality show more than I want Alexis to win. She could put Franklin Regional on the map more than Aaron Lovelace ever did. When I was just a young buck Floss, I thought Aaron Lovelace was goin to the L, he really let me down. Sorry for the digression. This show is so badly produced and put together it is embarassing. However, if your looking for some 18-22 hotties at Monday on TV at 9 o clock, this show is for you. First, the show gives away who they are kicking off each week. They gave airtime to 6 girls last night, and they cut three of them. So the first episode Alexis gets some major attention on the show, the Floss is going to start worrying. Her best clip last night was probably when she was sitting on the floor and she turned around to stare at the one girls tattoo of cherries on her "who-ha", her word not mine. She also got some love from the head guy at Geffen records. I'm briefly going to run down how I felt about other girls from that show. They let on 2 of the fugliest girls of all time. I don't care if you can sing, looks are a part of it. Illisa and the poor girl who had a body builder mother and had a (cist burst?) are fugly. I'm sorry, they should be gone on looks alone. Natalie, WOW. Definitely some silicon in her 19 year old body. WOW. She seems like a huge C word and will probably get the boot soon because of it. Nichole, 18 years old of pure hottie. I really don't even remember anything about her other than she had an "h" before the "o" and after the "c". If I had to make Power Rankings right now, they would look like this:

12-4: Don't care
3. Nichole
2. Natalie
1. Alexis

The best part is, there are 3 winners on this show. It would rule if those were the final 3.


For people that don't watch ROL, I will point out another thing you missed. A Mud Bowl, with 6 hotties and 2 old hags(Payton and Catherine). Bret also rocked a Steeler hat the whole time and is probably the Steelers biggest fan. He made his own rules and didn't eliminate a girl this week. I was angry at first because I thought he was giving Daisy the boot. If she had any resemblance of a face, she would have a huge lead, because her body is top dollar. Literally top dollar, she definitely has stripped before. I hope this stint by Bret to eliminate 2 girls next week is the move I have wanted him to make for a long time, a double elimination of the old hags. Really, when you could pick 4 girls left whose ages add up to these 2 old hags, why even keep them around? Catherine finally got to make out with Bret, so she is happy. He should have no problem giving her the boot now. Bret basically told Payton that he wasn't attracted to her and that he would rather watch a football game with her than bang her. This is the perfect move for next weeks show. When watching this weeks Floss, YCOF and PnR collectively had an idea for next season's ROL(when everyone should be on board). It is ROL: College Girls. That would be priceless if he brought on college girls for next year. Floss Power Rankings which certainly no one will agree with.

10000000000000000: Payton- I hate you. So ugly, probably the mother of Illisa.
8: Catherine- Cougar, but way too old. How many years could you possibly be hot for?
7: Kristy Joe- "Hey your a crazy bitch, but you **** so good I'm on top of it", the song in Bret's head every time he sees her. I hate how insane she is.
6: Megan- Reality whore. Definitely not going to win because she has been on 10+ shows. I don't care how hot she is, it ain't by that much.
5: Inna- He called her the Ukranian LoveBus this week. Hey, bus is better than tank right?
4: Jessica- She still hasn't done anything impressive on this show, other than be gorgeous and not psycho. I thought the fumble in the Mud Bowl II might cost her.
3: Daisy- The Lingerie Shop. Enough Said. Sidenote: Only Bret Michaels can follow a date where he made girls dance like strippers, by taking a one on one date to a lingerie shop. AYO.
2: Ambre- Probably my new wildcard. Something about her is hot. I don't know what it is. Her effort in the Mud Bowl II was world class. I don't think she really has a chance, but I'm rooting for her.
1: Destiney- She was almost taken out of the top spot this week, but I have been on her(figuratively, not literally) since the first show. She could be perceived as a bitch, but I think that mainly has to do with her hate for Krazy Joe.

I just did a lean back stretch to look at the TV, ESPN and Andy Pettite. I can't make this stuff up.

To the Death of GAYball


Anonymous said...

natalie = krazy joe. these two exemplify what is wrong with the world today, so hot yet so fucked up. with this in mind, i still do not mind watching them on tv in as little clothing as possible. Im gonna go out on a limb and make these two the front runners just because hot girls always get what they want.


Anonymous said...

I can honestly say I've never seen an episode of RoL. I think it's going to stay that way too.

However, what is this beef with baseball Floss? How can you possibly be sick of a sport with such stars as Sal Fasano (w/ mustache), Freddy (Dirty) Sanchez, and Laurel Highlands' own Terry Mulholland? I'm highly disappointed in the Floss and am considering switching back to my battery-operated Spider-man toothbrush. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

It might have looked pretty gay if someone walked in and me and fof were watching Pussycat Dolls on the new HD TV...... atleast we had an excuse b/c of Alexis. FYI, I was pissed that the old ugly woman (from the neck up) didn't get kicked off. What was he thinking?


Anonymous said...

Love the top 3. Especially Nicole. Hang out session tonight for the game. I'll bring the skoal, you bring the vlad.