Thursday, February 7, 2008


I am surprised that blogspot has allowed the Floss to log-in. An absolutely abysmal performance over the last week and a half has the fans grumbling. So much has happened between Jan. 27th and Feb 7th, I wish I could go into detail for everything, but I'm only one man. Not to make excuses, but three tests this week were killer. The Floss is sick of reading about earthquakes, the rock cycle, job cost accounting, vladimir propp, spinning tales, and income statements. I am going to enjoy today's update more than any reader(all 5 of you).


While the Floss follows baseball, he just hates the fact that no more than 10 teams are relevant each year. At least in football a bad team can ruin playoff hopes for a team. In baseball, too many games, not one game really means all that much. The apathy around the game right now is unprecedented(more on this later). The Santana trade just showed all that is wrong with baseball. The Twins, one of the teams who does well with no money, have to give up their boy, their Crosby, their Roethlisberger. It happens all the time. What do they get back? Nothing. Prospects. Small market baseball teams are the farm system for the big boys. Since I began hating baseball, I picked a new favorite relevant team. The Yankees. Many say they are responsible for all that is wrong with baseball. Baseball is really what is wrong with baseball. This sport is going down the shitter quick.

1-1 PITT

While the Floss has been struggling, so has the Pitt basketball team. They beat an awful Villanova team last Wednesday, which the Floss got to watch from a barstool, with a beer, then another, then another. Pitt basketball games give the Floss legal entry and boozing right in Peter's. The Floss' bar etiquette is terrible. When I am in there I feel like there is a big bullseye on my back. I should wear an underage sign around my neck. I really need to work on this. No analysis for that game, but the Saturday loss to Uconn I will weigh in on. The Pitt team played hard like you would expect a Jamie Dixon team to play, but they can't shoot for shit. They outrebounded a much bigger Uconn team. Ronald Ramon will get to 1000 points for his career this season, but that will be his only legacy if he doesn't start to step up. He is really playing like garbage at the point spot. If Benjamin had any dribbling ability, he would be running the point. Benjamin has really came back to life lately, but I expect that from a guy who hasn't played big minutes in his career much. Gil Brown, who needs a nickname really bad, so the Floss is going to give him the nickname GBreezy. The Floss LOVES GBreezy, absolutely LOVES him. He is going to the L eventually. Prediction: GBreezy will average 12 plus in the BE tourney and NCAA tourney this year. Sam Young is playing really well, but he is forced to take too many shots because no one else can muster their own shot. He will determine how far this team will go(Elite 8). Blair still hasn't came down to reality. He is still playing out of his mind. Big Game tonight vs. the Mountaineers. Prediction: 13-9. A Big Eff You to Bob Huggins.


If you were reading that like a chant like you should, you would realize that it is going along with the USA chant. Two huge trades in the last week have really built the hype for the 2nd half of the season. Pau to the Lakers for virutally nothing was huge for the Lakers(more on this in a sec). The Shaq Diesel trade was a questionable trade for the Suns at best. I think we might just be seeing some excellent GM'ing here. Everyone and their mother thinks the Heat got the better deal. The Floss agrees with everyone. You know whats wrong about agreeing with the public, the public is usually wrong. This trade will probably work out for the Suns or Steve Kerr is a moron. Onto the LakeShow. Honestly, what better way for the NBA to make a comeback than with the C's and LakeShow. The white blakc thing is thrown out the window unless you count Brian Scalabrine for the C's. The Lakers are a much deeper team with players off the bench like Farmar, Vucacic, Vladdy, Luke Walton, Turiaf(when Bynum comes back), and Ariza. That is a GREAT bench. The C's are older and only really have three solid bench contributors in James Posey, Eddie House, and Tony Allen. Kobe wants to prove he can win a title without Shaq. If he gets to go through Shaq for this title that would be awesome. The Spurs should be kicked out of the playoffs because they could ruin the AWESOMENESS that the NBA is setting up for. Also how bad do you think Garnett wants to win a title, especially in his new favorite city. This is going to be an AWESOME season.


The Clemens nonsense is probably true. Baseball should just quit. It is so EFFED. Nothing about baseball is pure anymore. This sport is so screwed. Although nothing will come about from the Clemens saga because this Brain McNamee guy has shit from way too long ago. They better bring in Horatio Kane from CSI Miami to figure it out. Nothing can save baseball. Good riddance. April is now the NFL Draft. Eff Baseball.


Crosby's absence is making the other Pens so much better. Geno is stepping up to be a leader. Malone is playing better. Sykora and Staal are better. Conklin is awesome. Managing Conklin and Fleury when he is healthy is really Michael Thierren's only challenge. Prediction: Eastern Conference Champs for the Pens. Also 4-1 at home over the Isles tonight.


Never really liked Eli Manning. He may be a Gay. I have no reason to believe this, other than he is a Manning. He did do something that was awesome on SuperBowl Sunday. Beating the Patriots was huge for football and Mercury Morris. Honestly could anyone be more annoying than Mercury Morris? The game was the best SuperBowl in my lifetime that wasn't won by the Steelers. Plus, way to get a ring Plaxico. Plax is the man, glad he got his ring.


I will not be talking about the Backstreet Boys or BSB as they are known to me, but I will be talking about the current hearthrob in the World, Terrelle Pryor. Unlike most hearthrob's, he isn't a target of teenage ladies, he is the hearthrob of males from the ages of 18-65. I have officially realized my hate for Terrelle Pryor. I finally think he is crazy. I don't think he will succeed in college because he can't think for himself. He has let way too many people get into his head throughout this entire process. He should have committed to OSU a longtime ago. It is where he has wanted to go. Him and the BrewCrew are tight, not too mention it isn't a bad idea to go to a school with the best O-Line in the country. I hope he is just stringing PSU along right now, but I think he might actually go there. They fit all of his characteristics except that Jay Paterno is in charge of him. The Floss hates PSU, but I respect the tradition, fans, all that hoopla. Pryor could go and win a lot of games there, but I don't think PSU could win a national title with him like OSU can. OSU has a lot more pieces for a Natty C than PSU. I don't think he would be smart to go to PSU, but I honestly don't care if he does. I hate the Big11 enough to hope that they lose every BCS game they ever play in. It isn't out of the realm considering how poorly they fare currently. Let's just hope Pryor gets this over with soon. Sidenote: I like how all of the recruting services and national guys are talking about how his dad wants him to go to PSU. Bullshit. His dad wants him at Pitt, but Pryor wants the big stage. Two years from now a Pryor vs. Pitt matchup in a BCS game would be the absolute best thing I would see in my college lifetime.


Two of the craziest recruiting stories really haven't gotten the attention they deserved lately. First is Devoe Torrence, a top 100 RB who was planning on attending Ohio State. This story was crazy and not very good for Devoe. It involves a sex scandal with 14 boys and 4 girls ranging from 11 to 14 in age. The story hasn't fully developed. When all is said and done, I think he will rid the charges and sign with a school willing to take on his burden. The real reason I'm including this story is because of the quote of the week, which might be the last ever quote due to it's hillariousness.
"As far as I'm concerned, there wasn't no rape involved," says Larry Rashid, a bartender at The Alibi. "Those girls are a couple of little wildcats. You tell me what you would do if you were 16, and a 12-year-old whore like that was throwing herself at you . . .
"The girls need to be scolded. The boys, they just need a stern lecture."


The next might be the funniest story of the recruting season. Kevin Hart from Fernley High School in Nevada should be nominated for an Oscar. He was able to fake out all of his family, friends, and coaches for so long. He wasn't smart enough to fake out Jeff Tedford though. He was the lineman who committed to Cal without an offer or contact with the school. This was a wild story. It is interesting that he made it all up, but honestly what an idiot. His lie was great for a long time, but he had to know it was going to end. We all know people who are avid stretchers of the truth, but he might be the biggest liar ever. This kid is a hoot. I hope he gets a late offer from some joke college. Great job Kevin.


Couldn't end without talking about Wanny and his class. This was his lowest rated class by the scouting services, but it might be the best ever. Jonathan Baldwin is the first ever 5 star player Pitt has ever got on Rivals. This is a nasty class. I love this class because of the Pittsburgh vibe. Anyone that says we are focusing too much on Pittsburgh is wrong. Pittsburgh kids playing for Pitt is what should happen.

I'm tired, look for a better effort next time.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your back big guy, i speak for all of us when i say, welcome back


Anonymous said...

Welcome back Wald, what do you say we go see Larry Rashid at the Alibi, get ourselves a drink and look for some wildcats?


Anonymous said...

You are the woat underage drinker. McDrunken would be a perfect moniker for you. As COF I thought this was another good blog. When you are in a 6x6 jail cell and the floss is one thing you look forward to, an update twice a week shouldnt be hard. It's nice to get your views now and then.

I'll watch the other COF this weekend and IUP. But he will probably end up watching me.