Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yo fans, I know you have all been checking in lately and commenting much more than usual. For this I thank you. I will be blogging later today so throw me a mailbag esque question. I will look back to previous comment sections and I know the Pens will be addressed along with Valentine's day. Also, would you prefer a late post today or a post when the Floss awakes tomorrow? I know the working folk enjoy their morning Floss.


Anonymous said...

one sentence does not do a trip to the hospital justice...we want more.

Anonymous said...

Just post tomorrow morning. CINC has been depressed since they canceled his favorite TV show: Queer Eye For The Straight Guy. You have to give the guy something to look forward to.

Anonymous said...

We've seen your thoughts on Rock of Love. Is the Floss interested in any other VH1 reality shows? If so, what are his thoughts?

- Jesus Stanecsworth

Anonymous said...

Interested in your thoughts on why CINC has become the Floss' comment section whipping boy?

Rock of Love - How many of sluts/whores does Bret bang in your mind?

Anonymous said...

Interested in your thoughts on the H-O-R-S-E competition, and if you will be joining me for the 2nd annual PnR running diary.... I think I'm gonna make it happen.

Also, wondering what is more damaged, Rihanna following a C-Breezy beat-down or your ego after a drip to the hopsital?

-Nasty Nate

Anonymous said...

To add to Jesus' question concerning reality shows, I would like to know the floss's thoughts on a few specific reality show topics:

(1) What does the floss think of the current landscape of reality shows (e.g. the fact that a clown such as TO can get his own reality show)?

(2) What would be the floss's ideal reality show to watch? What aspects are integral in making an enjoyable reality show, in the floss's eyes?

(3) Would the floss himself ever become a contestant for a reality show or would he ever create one about himself? What would these shows be about?

These are questions that I would like answered.


Anonymous said...

This is a comment for the commenters... Word verifications are very funny, even if you don't use oregano 3 times a day... So I would like it if everyone listed their word verification and then use it in a sentence...

WV: pladit

This can be used at the end of your night at the bar when you are intoxicated and spent more than you have... The waitress asks if you paid your tab and you respond with a drunken mumble, "Yeah, I pladit." Then just stumble away

Anonymous said...

CINC is not phased by the hate.

It's all good.

word = etyll

"Etyll be allll over once the floss breaks out the sweater at the bar tonight, because all the asian women will be going home with him!"


Anonymous said...

A couple questions:

1. What is the update on Wentzgate '09?

2. Would the floss prefer a trip to the Big East Championship or Cancun over Spring Break?

3. When is too early to start talking about the spring game?

4. What does the floss think of Mr. Shenanigans sleeping in the third floor laundry room at Bates Hill?

Anonymous said...

How would Floss rate Danica Patrick in the SI swimsuit edition?


"CINC's gonathe's are so small his Asian GF thinks they're rice" hahaha
CINC we love you bra

Anonymous said...

I'm just really interested in learning if Bar Floss is going to make an appearance again and what Dr.Of's oregano is..Paprika?..Basil?

WV: commded

"Slamanna commded all over his computer desk"


Anonymous said...

word verification: nonsma

Bar Floss was devastated to learn from Brighton he was getting nonsma that night at Pedro's

-Mr. S

Anonymous said...

Word Verification: costoon

-"How much is that 5th?"
-"It's $25.00 Mr. Floss"
-"Oh! That costoon-uch!!"

- WhildCratch

(you do not know me, I'm just a fan)

Anonymous said...


Can you give us a run down of NBA All-Star predictions and possible bets you will be making on college basketball?

Could you also describe what your dream date would be like? Ice cream? Walking dogs in the park?

WV- oxeste

Stacey Moore has oxeste.


Dirty Deigo Pussy (licker)