Monday, January 14, 2008


DISCLAIMER: This entry is being rushed because I need to go sit in line to get a good spot in the Oakland Zoo tonight. I was going to put in the afternoon nap, but over 2 fans asked where the entry was for today. So I threw in a rub and here I am. I really planned on waiting until Tuesday for this update, but I'm keeping the fans happy.

If you don't know what the title is referring to, then you just DON'T KNOW. Rock of Love 2 started last night and was a huge hit. I am not going to give detailed rankings like I did for American Gladiators because all you need to know about last night is A+. Bret Michaels is way cooler than any athlete or other rockstar. Also, as far as sidekicks go, BIG John is a man's man as well. As far as VH1, they also get an A+ for the women they brought to the show. They are much hotter than last season. Not as many tatted up girls, just smokin hot bombshells. They also brought a great melting pot of women for Bret to chose from. They brought chicks from every decade. The 45 year old chick, Catherine, is pretty slammin for 45, god knows Bret isn't picking her, but she will be everyone's favorite by show 3. As long as she isn't an annoying c-word like Rodeo from season 1. I might boycott the episode when Rodeo comes back because she was that annoying. Inna, hopefully pronounced IN-YA, because if it is, the line I wanna get IN-YA pants has to have been said to her over 100 times. Did you see the split she could do? That alone was an invite to the final 8. Kristy Joe is the germaphobe who wouldn't slip the toungue to Bret. She is playing the hard to get angle, a very rare type on this show. It will propel her til about the final 10, then she will tell Bret how she is falling for him, slip the toungue and bam final 4 for Kristy Joe. Early prediction is Kristy Joe final 4, mark it down. The Floss' favorite is currently Destiney. I like strippers, and with a name like Destiney with the -ey, she's done it before. I actually envision her goin to a strip club and having to be Destiney with the -ey because Destiny was taken. The early favorite of the people is clearly Megan. She is the hottest. She won Beauty and the Geek on MTV though. That signals RED FLAG to the Floss. She is clearly a reality TV cunt not in it for the right reasons. Bret will see this and get her out earlier than people believe. The only reason he keeps her a long time is because she seems the most sane and is gorgeous. The worst girl on the show is by far Ambre. She thinks that this show is the goddamn Bachelor. It isn't, to win Bret Michaels heart, you don't try and be classy. You need to be slutty. Bret went classy in season one and look how that went for him. He wants sluttier this time around. Daisy is another early front runner because she has a bangin body and some tattoos. Bret digs tattoos and will keep her around a while. She does define butterfact though. The girl with no chance is most definitely Angelique. She is the French girl who can't speaky no English. She was the first girl to show her boobs, which prompted the line of the night from Bret Michaels, "The first set of boobs is like a trailblazer, like Lewis and Clark". That is sheer brilliance from the MAN. Two girls that went home who were great last night were Erin and Sara. Erin was the black girl with the afro. She was a VIP girl that went home on night one because of her profound intelligence. She had another one of the better lines of the night, "I learn a lot about what's going on with the World through MySpace". Seriously, she should have just screamed that she had skeletons in her closet. The other girl who went out guns a blazin was Sara. When she got there, she immediately realized that the season 2 girls were way way hotter than season one and that she was probably 18, 19, or 20 on the hottness power rankings. So she decided to get blackout drunk and not make the elimination. Her family was not pleased to watch the season premier last night. Bret also had some great lines to the girls last night. He finds one thing about the girl and says it makes him real hot for her. I hope next week this may happen, "Man, she has 6 toes on one foot thats hot, I love sucking toes and 11 is always better than 10". I just can't wait for next week, it's going to be awesome again. Sidenote: This upcoming weekend I hope I get drunk enough to drop the "I just want to kiss your face" line. I figure nothing else works, maybe if I'm drunk and she's drunk and a Bret Michaels fan, this can work. The only tough thing is, Bret and I don't have much in common except that we both love the Steelers.


Tonight is a huge game for the Pitt Panthers. I hate Roy Hibbert with a passion. He owned Aaron Gray way too many times. Tonight he is going to get owned by a 6'6 C, Dejuan Blair. If the refs keep Blair out of foul trouble, he should have a big game tonight. Pitt is really good at home and Sam Young is playing way too good right now. We are going to win tonight. Matchup wise it's going to be tough. They are a lot bigger than us, but the home crowd should be awesome. Rumor has it that Terrelle Pryor is coming to the game tonight. I am fully aware it is probably because it is a big game and nationally televised. He is coming with 2 Pitt basketball recruits as well, Lamar Patterson and Zeke Marshall. There is also a rumor that he recently met with Jamie Dixon and Uncle Dave. Shady committed last year at the Georgetown game, coincidence, I think not. As far as the game at hand, I'm saying Blair with 15 and 15, Young drops 20+ again, Benji puts in 10, Ramon hits a game clinching 3, and Mcghee gives 7 to 8 quality minutes with 4 points and 4 boards.



Anonymous said...

hibbert may be the worst 7 footer ive ever seen, he got owned on the glass tonight by someone half a foot smaller than him. I also think bret michaels should/is a pitt fan, why? mike tomlin was at the pitt game tonight, bret is a steeler fan which means he supports tomlin. exofacto bret michaels loves the panthers.


Anonymous said...

whens the next blog comming in and no i dont want to kiss your face