Monday, March 31, 2008


The weekend has came and went. I finally came to grips with what I will remember from the Pitt basketball season. I will remember the Big East Tournament, not what could have been. You could dwell on the fact that Pitt was outplayed in their 2nd round game against Michigan St, but the Floss will not be. Even if Pitt wins that game, they would have lost to Memphis, who is playing the best basketball in the country right now, even better than Rock Chalk, UCLA, and UNC(but barely). Memphis is playing like a well oiled machine right now and is the Floss' pick to win it all at this point. So in retrospect, maybe WVU and 'Nova got one more win in the tourney this year, and Louisville 2, I'm taking our title and being happy with it. Next year, if Sam I AM comes back, we should make a legit final 4 run.


If you hear crickets, thats because no one is talking about the Pirates season opener. For the first time in the Floss' life, he didn't give a rat's ass about the Pirates season starting. I fully expect this team to lose 95 plus games this year, but I did think about a positive thing about the Pirates. This might be their best starting pitching rotation in a while. Snell and Gorzo are legit NL starters, Maholm and Duke have shown that they can be major league starters, and Matt Morris might have something left in the tank. If all the pitchers play well this season and the position players all have career years, theres no reason to think we can't win 84 games. My excitement for the season is currently at a 2 out of 10, hopefully that changes. Floss' prediction for tonight...I will be watching Pens-Rangers on Versus.


WOW. Last night was the best ROL all season. The drama really unfolded last night. Daisy proved her craziness again with her abortion, 2 year abstinence, dancing job, and her previous affairs with a guitarist from Poison. The most shocking part about last night's episode was that she didn't get the boot. Let me go one by one on the Daisy issues...

ABORTION- I felt legitimately bad that she had to reveal this on television. This may have been the first revelation of an abortion on a reality show.
2 YEAR ABSTINENCE AND DANCING JOB- These two are linked perfectly. Honestly, as a huge strip club afficianado, the Floss cannot believe this. Who would have ever believed that any stripper was abstinent? She's a liar. In the perfect world, strippers have sex every night with a customer. The Floss just doesn't have the funds. This is my theory, strippers have sex for money, dancing is just a cover. God damnit. Even if you don't believe my theory, just look at Daisy. In 2 years, a girl as trashy as that hasn't let a man get lucky. She also has plastic surgery and a boob job. I just don't understand how she could possibly keep her legs closed for 2 years. Why continually lie to Bret? It's like lying to God.
CC-Yeah, she never hung out with him. Good lie there. Bret could probably ask CC right now and he could out her lying ass. However, CC probably wouldn't remember one groupie from all the years of drugs and rock n' roll.

How about Bret also called her one of the hottest groupies he has seen? Bullshit Bret. She probably couldn't place top 5 backstage on any given night.

Onto the rest of the episode...Destiney is annoying and a big fat C word. She can't continually be that big of a bitch and stay high in the power rankings. I still like her as the winner though, sadly. She sucks. The Heather of season 2. Ambre is starting to show her tough side, and the Floss loves it. Her attitude is becoming sexier by the minute. The only problem with Ambre is that she originally lied to Bret and it is outed that she is actually 37. I couldn't get over that she was 32. Ouch, 37, that's old. The new fav.

Jessica...ah Jessica. It was really for the best that she didn't make it to the finals, but of all the weeks for Bret to do it, this wasn't the week. Jessica puts in her best episode yet. Who knew she was the next Anika Sorrenstam? It was also funny when she said she played four years of varsity golf in high school. The Floss was thinking that she graduated like 3 years ago and wouldn't be too rusty. On an episode where she showed her sanity, skill set, and sexiness, Bret gives her the boot. Honestly, the Floss was super disappointed in Bret for this, leading me to my next theory...

Bret doesn't want a non-violated girl, he doesn't want to be guy number 4 or 5, he wants to be guy number 2,246 or 2,247. The conclusion from this theory is that Bret doesn't want commitment from these girls. Another conclusion the Floss draws from this theory is that Bret reads the Floss and that we are on the same page. He saw my hopeful prediction that he will become the next Hef. He also saw that everyone wants more ROL's. Bret buddy, I got you.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to make a run at Jessica now... Let's go bucs!