Monday, February 16, 2009


This is the first ever blog on location. Currently the Floss is watching the Pens 3rd period at FOF's apartment along with PnR. Now before we get into the day's blog topics, the Floss would like to give a shoutout to all the fans. The fans are currently participating in a way that makes blogging worth every second of time. Julie, you have officially been granted the Floss nickname of FFFOF(First Female Fan of Floss). Never thought we would get past FOF and FFOF, but it's a great day. I have no idea who you are and the Floss really wants to know. PnR, FOF, and the Floss all are worried that you may possibly be a serial killer, nevertheless thanks for being the first female fan. Also, I hope you take all of my negative, sexist remarks about females with a grain of salt. Another thing to get excited about is that this is currently post 88 on the FalseFloss. Taking suggestions for ideas for the Century Post. WhildCratch I also would love to know who you are and if you are a serial killer, but no big deal either way. As for what tattoo the Floss would get, it was decided a long time ago what tat the Floss would get. First the Floss would need to go to the gym and get his back really really jacked, then the back would get Naired. The tattoo would be the skyline of Pittsburgh covering the whole upper back.


I think we have 9 people left on ROL. We have 7 of the Original Hoes and the 2 new bitches. No summary of last night really needed, the Mud Bowl III happened and that ruled. These power rankings are once again the Floss' views not FOF, PnR's, Bret's or Big John's. The Floss' rankings:

2,173,809. Beverly-
She sucks more than anyone left. Complete agreement from the room on this stupid cunt. Bev is a dyke, still not hot, and provides nothing. Zero for the show. FOF, "She went from being boring and not being fun, to bitching about people being fun". PnR, "And she has broader shoulders than James Harrison". A good defensive cooridnator in Mud Bowl III would have lined her up as a 3-4 rush end.

8. Jamie "Brooklyn"- Embarassing that we had to look her name up and she is in the top 10. She is the tall, skinny broad who looks like she does a ton of blow. Can't believe Marcia went home for her.

7. Kami- There was no need for comments from PnR and FOF on Jamie. FOF was able to point out that Kami had the bigger tits of the two which got her ranked 7th. An absolute shame that she is here over Marcia.

6. Farrah- A consensus pick for the number 6 pick. FOF thinks she should be grouped into the grouping with the others as does PnR. The Floss thinks she deserves a little more credit due to her partying ways and big boobs. She still sucks. Farrah might single handily ruin the show next week if she indeed engages in lesbian contact with Kelsey. If Farrah gets Kelsey the boot, she would move way way behind Beverly. FOF and PnR share the same sentiments on Farrah if she ruins Kelsey's ride. Farrah has been a lesbian from day one. Her and Ashley definitely have double clicked eachother's mouses a few times on the love bus.

5. Taya- "For posing nudey in magazines, Taya isn't doin it for me"-PnR. FOF appreciates her classiness and not getting into the chippiness(hockey mode) amongst the bus. "Since she posed nude plus is classy she fits the rap lyric, lady in streets, freak in the streets"(paraphrase)--FOF. Great insight from my linemates(hockey mode, again). FOF probably thinks she should be higher, but the Floss says no dice. One of the weirdest faces left, just not cute or sexy. Taya really doesn't do it for the Floss.

4. Ashley- Actually all agreement here. Ashley got the dick first, which is pretty cool. She is such a bitch that it's starting to get on the Floss' nerves. It used to be funny that she would party all day long and hated on bitches, but it just got old. FOF and PnR think that she is too dumb. I guess they think the others are Rhodes scholars. "She thought she should have won MVP of the Mud Bowl III from the losing team, not how sports work lady"-PnR. Not too mention I think if you look at the tapes, I think her knee was down when she picked up the ball.

3. Brittanya- The Floss loves her name. The Floss loves her dimple rings. The Floss loves her sleeve tat. The Floss loves her boobs. Really if she could speak the English language or produce a thought, she would be number one. Brittanya can't be classified as dumb because she doesn't say anything. Brittanya would be that stripper that can't even talk dirty. She would get the initial lap dance, but couldn't keep you begging for more. "She's that dirty, sexy girl that you could never bring home to mom cause she has tattoos all over her body, that shit on her cheeks, but you still wanna have sex with her so bad. You could never have a relationship with her"-(Paraphrase) FOF. "I'm going the other way, she's the perfect wife. You get to fuck her, but she would never talk to you"--PnR. Interesting.

2. Mindy- "Not sure how I feel about her accent"-FOF. The Floss hates it. I hate, hate, hate, hate her accent. Something has to be said for how she has brought it the past couple weeks. Clearly the MVP yesterday in Mud Bowl III. The leopard print worked for the Floss. The room all liked her at number 2. Not many comments. No one thinks she looks like a gopher in this room.

1. Kelsey- She has never wavered from the number one spot. I'm not even going to write about her. She is gorgeous. We are worried with her lack of one on one time with Bret.

The Pens just lost. FUCK FUCK FUCK. At least they got one point.


In order to prepare for tonight's fucking awesome matchup between the number 4 ranked (number one in your hearts) Pitt Panthers and the number 1 team UConn Huskies, FOF, PnR, and I have decided to watch the 2003 Big East Tournament Championship Game between the Pitt Panthers and the UConn Huskies OnDemand. A great afternoon is in store. No breaking down of matchups for tonight, just some important thoughts:

**Blair must stay out of foul trouble. Every basketball fan knows this. The Floss is worried about Blair staying smart with his fouls tonight. On his IPod should be a Jamie Dixon, Tom Herrion, and Brandin Knight recording saying "Play Smart, Don't Reach, Play Smart, Don't Reach, Double Quarter Pounder".

**2003 Panther Starting Lineup, PG Brandin Knight, SG Julius Page, SF Jaron Brown, PF Donatas Zavackas, and C The Big O Ontario Lett. Compared to today, they don't even compare.

**Fields is way too slow to guard AJ Price, so Jermaine Dixon has a huge assignment tonight. Fields will get Craig Austrie instead of the now injured Jermaine Dyson.

**Sam Young must show up. The Floss sees a posterizing dunk on Hasheem Thabeet tonight. Like one my kids will talk about.

**20. The number of points the Floss believes the bench needs to put up tonight or any night. Wannamaker, 9. Gil, 6. Ash, 6. Gary, 2. 23 off the bench in that scenario.

**0. The number of turnovers the General Levance Fields will have tonight.

**"Could see a Brandin Knight 2003 BE Champ performance by Fields tonight. I like to think Fields and Knight hang out every night and watch old games like this"--FOF. I like to think that too.

**Jeff Adrien needs to be controlled tonight. He can't get a 15 and 15 night on us. Biggs has to play good D on him.

**Look for some 2-3 Zone out of the Panthers tonight, especially when Thabeet is out. It will keep us out of foul trouble, plus make their guards hit shots. I will take Kemba Walker jacking threes on us.

**I hope Pitt doesn't double the post tonight. Thabeet is too tall to double. He can make passes in the post too.

**The Floss really wants to watch this 03 title game more, so here comes the prediction:




Anonymous said...

I was just tapping the next button through different blogs and yours came up Floss! I am currently living in Baltimore,MD but grew up in Altoona,PA! Needless to say, your Pittsburgh sports references appeal to my hometown feelings. Keep up the great work!


Anonymous said...

No mention of the "Tri-Meat-Feat"?

I'm never taking you to BaskinRobins again!

To make up for it, tell the readers your favorite memory from back in the day!

WV: mugshyp(Without hitting the refresh button)

"Dude it was awesome! I pulled out and gave her a nice mugshyp"


Anonymous said...

You more than anyone should have known that the game was in hartford, not stoors.... UCONN plays big games in hartford because of the bigger arena...

WV: dompul
Thabeet wanted to play well, but instead Blair took a dumpul in his face

No matter what wv I got I was going to make fun of Thabeet.


Anonymous said...

PnR, I knew it was and talked about it today. No clue why that was the title of the post today. I laugh at it now. It is Word V not WV, we do not honor them.

Word V: gylize

Blair to Thabeet, in his not so proper English.

"Yo Thabeet, you play ball like a gylize"


Anonymous said...

Awesome win tonight. Close prediction by the Floss. Looking for a top 100 from the Floss for his 100th post. It can be one one topic, but that would be very difficult, or several top tens. Perhaps his top 100 all-time athletes, or his top 20 Pitt memories along with other lists.

- Jesus Stanecsworth

Word V: scilless
"Dejuan Blair made Hasheem Thabeet look scilless in Hartford."

Anonymous said...

wv- gnowliss

shit aint gonna gnowliss you water it

nice prediction on the Pitt game Floss.


Anonymous said...

When brackets come out in March, the last team standing in CINC's sheet will be Pitt. They got the goods this year. Still worried about Huggy Blairs foul trouble and a shaky 3 pt. game...but I think they got the goods.

Word V: helit

"Man that Sam Young last night was something else. Helit it on fire!"


Anonymous said...

CINC likes to park the beef bus in turd town.

Anonymous said...

CINC was kicked off the short bus in Elementary school.

Anonymous said...

CINC is AROD's cousin.

Word V

"Floss and FoF were PROUSSIN Forbe Ave for some Ho's."

Anonymous said...

When CINC found out Ru Paul was a transsexual, it immediately made him second guess his adolescent years.