Monday, March 24, 2008


Since I have not fully grasped the magnitude or importance of the Pitt loss I will wait a little to write about it. I also can't talk about the team atop the Atlantic because we know how that goes. Since I haven't blogged in a while, I figure I can give a ROL update.

First off, a Happy Belated Easter to all. Since the Floss will be eating leftover ham sandwiches for at least a week, I'm still celebrating the bunny's arrival. Now for the episode. Personally, I wasn't impressed. The Floss was and still is a HUGE HEATHER HATER. She sucks. Period. I don't care if she combines the 2 fine arts of alcoholism and stripping, I just don't like her. I was sick of hearing, "I just wanna get the dirt on these girls". The only reason Bret brought her back is because he was sick of not having sex with the girls this season(Heather is definitely one of his go-to bangs when he can't score random play). Bret has refrained himself much more this season because of the heat he took last time. I think he may have only went past kissing with just Daisy(probably went all the way there). Maybe a little bj/hj action with Krazy Joe while she was still around. If he banged her, she would still be there. Back to the episode, the ex boyfriends were a terrible addition. They gave away nothing. The best was easily Ambre's weirdo friend. Honestly, if that is Ambre's best friend, how in the living hell could Bret date her? Seriously, unless Bret gives up rock and roll for Scrabble tourney's Ambre is dunzo. The other ex's just plained sucked. No big secrets came out other than Daisy's mild secret. Her secret wasn't nearly as shocking as Krazy Joe still being married. By Jessica getting blackout drunk, she ruined her chance too. Bret knows she couldn't handle partying on the road. I think last night's episode actually eliminated 2 contestants(Megan too) and left us with a 2 horse race. The 2 horses would be Destiney and Daisy. The Floss was on the Destiney bandwagon day one. I also predicted a long run for Daisy. Ambre and Jessica are going to provide a nice argument for cute vs. evil. I'm gonna say right now the finals are going to be Destiney and Ambre. Bret went with the sweet girl in season one, going with the crazy rocker in season two. Enough with the Floss' predictions. Here are the Power Rankings for the Final 4:
4. Daisy--don't like her, just don't really like her.
3. Jessica--I don't want her making the finals, would be a crushing loss. Trying to get off the drug that is Jessica.
2. Ambre--Too Old. Too lame. Still floats the Floss' boat.
1. Destiney--Many people hate her, I love her, and her cans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your analagy with Jessica. If she goes to the finals it would be like a Super Bowl loss to the Cowboys. I think she will be safe this week with all the craziness that was previewed with Destiny/Daisy/Ambre. Ambre is a caniving bitch that could prove to be a great strategy. All Jessica all the time.

B Man