Tuesday, March 18, 2008


WOW. That is really the only way to start up this blog. I never thought the Panthers were in real danger of missing the NCAA Tourney, but I didn't reallistically see this coming. I predicted 3 out of the Final 4 of the BE tourney correct and accurately predicted the championship, but the Floss was just having a good day. Did I think the best might be yet to come for the Panthers? Yes, I thought this was possible, maybe a 10% possibility. Watching this BE tourney was like having Christmas 4 days in a row and getting your favorite present ever each day. FYI, Floss' favorite Christmas presents, SHAQ Mini-Hoop, Bike(what the hell was I thinking), and a WWF ring with the courtside press table(however, wrestling died a LONG time ago, sorry DDP(L) and PnR). This BE tourney has created some bandwagon jumpers for the Panthers, now if this only leads to some recruits(Dante Taylor, Kevin Parrom, Duran Scott come on down). Some Pitt thoughts.


First off, the Floss would like to issue a formal blog apology to Ronald Ramon. However, if you go back and read the last post, I said he could completely reconcile with a good performance in the BE tourney and the NCAA tourney. I was not always a Ramon hater. I pushed for him to start at the beginning of the year when PnR was hatin' on Razor, but he just let me down. I have bought into the fact that Ramon needs to play off the ball, and when Fields sets him up, he can be that 45% 3 point threat that we all know and love. He also completely validated his career, no matter what happens in the NCAA tourney(Ron don't quit now though buddy). I will always remember this class of seniors for this BE title run(hopefully a deep NCAA run). Keith Benjamin didn't do much statistically in the tourney, but he was all over the glass in the title game and he had a few great assists. I will have to remember Mike Cook for being a glue guy, but it was great to see him hoist the trophy with the team and cheer after mostly every basket. So to you Mr. Ramon, I say sorry. To the rest of you seniors(Mo Polen, National Anthem and your 3 points against DePaul) I just say thank you for this memorable run to the BE title.


I hate this nickname, but it fits and I love it. The Silent Assassin was a nickname of a few players before, but this nickname could also fit for Sam Young. He is always quiet when he puts in his 20 point games. He also doesn't get too fired up on the court. In the Floss' playing days, he was a fiery guy, but on this team of loud mouths(DeJuan and Levance), it is nice to have your best player be a quiet guy. I would also like to remove Chris Taft from my All-Time(er sort of) team and replace him with Sam Young. I never thought he was clutch or consistent, but I was wrong(common theme here). Sam I Am is ready for the L, but I want him to stay. Really, it isn't in his best interest to stay at Pitt for his senior season, but why not? Maybe, he is unlike selfish, greedy athletes and wants other things with his career. Maybe Sam wants another BE Title and MOP in the BE tourney, maybe he wants National POY or at least consideration, maybe he wants a National Championship(he wins it this year, he can bolt), maybe he wants the BE MVP next year? Hell, maybe he just likes playing with these guys.


The B Squred refers to 6 and 7 on the Panthers, Brown and Biggs. Talk about bringing your A-Game, which all the Panthers did, but especially these two. Two of the more inconsistent Panthers much of the season stepped up HUGE in MSG in those 4 days. Brown provided scoring when needed, twice going into double figures. He also had the steal that locked up the Louisville game, when he ripped the ball away from Earl Clark under the Louisville hoop. If he plays like this in the tourney, I'm going to fall in love with him more. But maybe an even bigger hero in the Panthers tourney title run was Tyrell Biggs. He went from not being trusted, to being the end of game defender. He stays grounded and switches on ball screens much better than DeJuan. He finally realized that he is a wide body and should be a good rebounder. He was simply AWESOME in the title game versus Georgetown. He was a force on the glass. Biggs might finally have mastered his jump shot. Or at least figured that it is much easier to hit a 12 to 15 foot jumper than stepping back past 18 for a 3. I will never again call him Tyrell Littles.


While Knight's Insights is possibly the worst SportsCenter segment ever, him as an analyst is great. I predict his career as an analyst will last at max another year because he will either blow up on TV or take another coaching job(more likely). He knows more about the game than any other analyst ESPN wants to put out there(maybe outside of Bilas, Emmy Nominee, you know this if you watched any early game last week). He also puts Digger in his place enough that it gives him value. He literally frightens Digger Phelps. Digger waits for his turn to speak when Knight is on the set with him. It is awesome. What is Knight's best redeeming quality? Duh, He picked Pitt to win the National Title. If you could have seen the celebration in the room when he picked that. It was a 13-9 esque celebration between SpiderWeb(first ever shoutout for the biggest fan of Pitt hoops), FOF, B Man, PnR, and yours truly.


Sadly, baseball is going to come and steal the spotlight from hockey in somewhere around 10 days. It's the least wonderful time of the year. Wake me up in October.


Way down on the Floss' list this week because they don't like the spotlight on here. Is there a hotter team in hockey right now than the Pens? Maybe the Rangers, who are going to get a wake up call in 15 minutes from the coolest team in the NHL. By the way eff Jagr, Geno and Gonch are my 2 favorite Russians. 14 goals in there last 2 games. Congrats to Hal Gill for being the man. Also congrats to Hossa for his first goal in black and gold. Think of the possibilities when Sid is fully healthy. Scary is the only word to describe this team.


Hey your a krazy bitch, but you **** so good I'm on top of it. Just some song lyrics, since Krazy Joe has finally left the best show on TV. Thank God. Megan, your next, you awful awful person. I want to know if Bret put an act on to piss off the other girls and America with his known affection for Krazy Joe. I think yes, just because he loves none of them. Other thoughts from this week:
-Jessica in schoolgirl outfit, yummy
-Daisy, really you couldn't buy a better face?
-Destiney needs to drop the bitch card, remember when she was sweet and sexy for like the first 4 episodes. Still a Floss Fav.
-Bret knows Megan isn't in to him, great for everyone involved.
-Ambre, 32, really, a little too old for the Floss, and probably Bret. She looked bad this week too. :(

Power Ranking the Final 5:
1. Jessica--the hype is real
2. Destiney--still pulling for you, just leave the darkside
3. Ambre--32? Can't really get over that one. I just thought a mature 27.
4. Daisy--Too dumb, really can't get over that.
5. Megan--Somehow she is gonna cunt her way into the final 3, and it pisses me off.


After almost backing out of St. Patrick's day celebration for the 3rd year in a row, the Floss partook this year. However, I would like to say I was not at full game level. The Pitt basketball win Friday night kept me awake way too long, which led to not enough sleep. The impending title game kept me thinking ahead. The crowd was a little old for me outside of B Man and COF(Really I heard about wedding plans, come on, not a drinking environment). The Irish Carbomb nearly made me vomit. All factors that led to a relatively average St. Patricks Day. Really the whole problem I have with the day is the fear of a UDA(Underage Drinking Arrest). Being a mature 19 sucks because I can function in a bar scene(laugh), but my age holds me back. Sadly again, the Floss will be a mature 20 next year, and again might not completely enjoy himself. :(. A big props to Aimin' for Failure and Jah Banni for a great party though. People do really like them.



Anonymous said...

Loved the Pitt basketball comments, and I'm sure Razor will accept your much needed apology. While Jagr could use an apology for you calling him Russian (Czech I believe) I don't think it's necessary.


Anonymous said...

Jessica is a lovely school girl. Razor still needs to keep it up and prove himself, he needs to follow up a hell of a Big East Tourney with a BIG NCAA tourney. He may have to "steal" a game for us with a big trifecta if we want to make it far. Jagr is Czech but who really cares, he's old.


Anonymous said...

Jagr is indeed Czech, but I mean you could at least call him a communist or something along those lines. You will never be a mature 19, unless mature people sleep in elevators after a wednesday night at the bar. pitt is taking it all the way, and bob knight will be the godfather to my first child.


Anonymous said...

i agree with fof. mature 19 year olds do not sleep in elevators, grow up floss.
- drof
ps. stop studying so much

Anonymous said...

and a WWF ring with the courtside press table(however, wrestling died a LONG time ago, sorry DDP(L) and PnR).

You said a variation of this statement in JonBenet's class today. I refused to believe such lies.