Monday, January 19, 2009


Well we are headed to the Super Bowl, albeit it took a 3 hour hospital stay for the Floss last night, no joke, bad decisions were made. It hasn't been easy, but it was predicted by yours truly. Coach Tomlin certainly has grown up fast(so has Coach Wiz in AZ). Now we get the NFC West in the Super Bowl again. Kurt Warner clinched the HOF yesterday in the Floss' eyes. 2 MVP's a Super Bowl MVP and he has been to 3 Super Bowls now. Congrats to Kurt. Ben might be playing for something bigger however. If he wins number 2 in 2 weeks, he will be that much closer to the best QB of all time. Everyone and their mother knows how the Floss feels about his boy Ben. Ben rules. He played fanfuckingtastic yesterday. To think, yinzer nation was all, "Buuuuuyyyyyyron has dat hot hand, Ben is huuuuurt, play da hotttt hand". Well yinzer nation, Ben just took you to his second Super Bowl, are you happy? Queerdell never took us to one on his own. We had that crapdick O'Donnel back there in '95. I still can't believe that we are going to number 7. In Pittsburgh, we truly are blessed with one of the best sports franchises of all time!


Anonymous said...


I'm particularly perplexed about this upcoming Super Bowl. Being the Pitt student/fan that I am, I obviously bust my nut over Larry Fitz's disgusting catches and the honor he brings to the University. Also, I was a Kenny Wizz fan when Bill Cow retired and have the utmost respect for the man as he is a genius of an O-Coordinator. On the other hand, I have been a diehard Steeler fan for my entire life. Where am I supposed to sit on this spectrum? Am I a 80% Steelers and 20% Cardinals? Give me your opinion

Anonymous said...

Please give us more about your evening....

Details. Lots of them.

Anonymous said...

Is this the end of Bar-Floss?

Anonymous said...

Is there anything that can be done to Brighton Yourdayup?