Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well yesterday the Floss was quick to blame Ed Fucking Hightower and his absolutely absurd officiating yesterday, but today I realize that you can't control the officials. You can control near 20 turnovers. You can control 8 for 18 from the charity stripe. However, to say the officials had no bearing on the outcome of that game is absurd. Their tight whistles are the reason that Blair and Sam were on the bench. The only call I have a real problem with was the completely FUCKING BULLSHIT offensive foul call on Fields with under 2 left. No way you can make that call. That is an official attempting to be a big shot. Officials are egotistical fucks and love to try and make any attempt to take control of the game. It is expected as they are underpaid and working a thankless job. They work in billion dollar industries and still work other jobs. There is so much wrong with not hiring full time officials. No reason they shouldn't be compensated on a full year scale, just like teachers. If teachers get paid on a yearly basis so should officials. However, the Floss would also raise the minimum salary of a ref to the same as the minimum for a player(NFL) and for college sports, maybe use a median coaching salary or something. Just something around 150 to 200,000 dollars. I digress, back to the game:

**Fields struggled, but wouldn't you turn the ball over if you were gettin ridden on your back up the floor every DAMN possession.

**Sam needs to start giving us a full 40. He can't look like a first round pick for a few possessions and then like sophomore Sam the next.

**Dejuan needs to learn to avoid shitty fouls. He simply can't reach around people. His fouls need to occur when banging inside, not when he's gambling for steals.

**Gil Brown is by far the most confusing player on the court in Pitt history. You literally have no idea what you are getting. Trying to read Gil Brown is like trying to read Chinese.

**Brad Wannamaker grew up a lot yesterday. He did have some turnovers, but that was a tough responsibility for him yesterday. His play yesterday will help us down the road against aggressive, pressing, trap type teams.

**Ashton Gibbs needs more minutes and needs to fire when out there, but only from 3. I hated both times when he went for floaters. Antonio Graves loved floaters, for which he was always in the Floss' doghouse. The floater is reserved for Fields.

**Gary McGhee proved worthless again. It's starting to make the Floss happy as sick as that is. When he plays bad, I just think about us somehow getting rid of him by persuading him to peace out. He also will eventually start to lose minutes. It's funny because on the message boards, people defend him saying that UL was a quick, athletic team that he couldn't play against. Well when can he play? He gives us nothing. He sucks. I hate him. He's so much worse than Aaron Gray.

**Nas Robinson is perfect for this team. Just watching him develop into a more athletic Jaron Brown brings a tear to my eye. He is much more productive out there than Gary Retard.

**The Floss looks forward to blowing the roof off the Pete tomorrow in our big matchup versus Cuse. The Floss looks for a win by 10+.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm particularly perplexed about this upcoming Super Bowl. Being the Pitt student/fan that I am, I obviously bust my nut over Larry Fitz's disgusting catches and the honor he brings to the University. Also, I was a Kenny Wizz fan when Bill Cow retired and have the utmost respect for the man as he is a genius of an O-Coordinator. On the other hand, I have been a diehard Steeler fan for my entire life. Where am I supposed to sit on this spectrum? Am I a 80% Steelers and 20% Cardinals? Give me your opinion