Thursday, January 15, 2009


So, the Floss just had a weird fucking moment. I'm sitting in my room, nursing a hangover, with DDP(L) and SJ(Slack JAW), and our landlord comes in. We figure he is just checking the heat or whatever, but instead he comes into my room and asks who's room it is. Well it is the Floss'. He tells me that he borrowed 2 of my DVD's that were laying in my room. I'm pretty sure the whole room was flabbergasted at the fact that this 70 year old burn out, piece of shit, dick sucking faggot of a landlord decided to borrow 2 of my DVD's. Who the fuck does this? Should this be considered stealing? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm too shocked to be this angry. The movies he borrowed, my 3 pack of American Pie and Ferris Buellers Day off. So technically he took 4 fucking movies. One of the kickers, that he didn't bring Ferris with him. So my landlord stole from me. This is my day, fucking hungover, and my landlord stole my fucking movies. When he gave back the American Pie pack, it prompted SJ to remark, "There is probably so much semen on that". Great. My DVD, my own personal property. He's probably wacking it to Matthew Broderick right now. FUCK. I'm looking for a new apartment.


Anonymous said...

Good thing he did not find my DVD collection/ look on the hard drive of my computer. Because then he could black mail me.


PS- this is for DR.OF--- my word verification spells "jesse". As in Jesus, which is what his mom was yelling as a ravished her in the GFC.

Unknown said...

You need to stand up for yourself. If you do nothing and let a 70 year old landlord walk all over you, there is no hope for you in the future.

Ask Uncle Dom for some advice on getting back at landlords. Not paying last months rent is a given.

Peace -


Anonymous said...

Don't listen to CINC. What the hell does he know about landlords. He's on his 6th month of ever paying F'in rent and his future bride probably pays it for him.

Pay the rent, collect your security dep and move the F out ASAP.

CINC is wetarded

Anonymous said...

Just watched the American Pie series last night. Pretty convinced that DDP(L)'s dad could be a stunt double for Jim's Dad.

PS- this is also for DR.OF--- my word verification spells out "legers". As in his Jr. year prom date. Not to be confused with the King's daughter.