Monday, November 24, 2008


"I'll remember this trip forever, but not because of the football game"--PnR

The trip to Cinci this weekend was very interesting to say the least. As Vinnie Vaughn says in Wedding Crashers, "I don't want to talk about it because it will just make me mad". So let's just focus on the football related thoughts:

-Seriously, I hate the negativity that Pitt fans have as a whole. Seriously, Pitt hasn't won 7 games in 3 years, now we finally do and people bitch. We lost to Bowling Green and Rutgers, both at home, going into the Cincinnati game. The fans acted like Pitt was god-damn-invincible. Fans already writing this season off are god damn insane. Pitt can still win 10 GAMES. Honestly, before the year I would have been elated with 10 wins. Not too mention a 2-1 finish gets us 9 wins, another above average season. I don't know why Pitt fans feel that we are USC and anything less than 10 wins is absurd. The only way the Floss will take this blog straight to negative town is a 0-3 finish. The Floss has had it up to here with these stupid fans. This has been the best year to be a Pitt fan since the Fiesta Bowl season. Be happy for once.

-Cincinnati has about 3,000 real fans. Everyone we met in Cicinnati cared way way more about tOSU than they did about Cinci. They all assumed that we would be rooting for PSU against MSU because they thought we were PSU fans because we were from PA. It was a weird thing. Way less school pride than Pitt which means nothing when they go to the Orange Bowl. Overall, the Floss is still proud to be PITT AND IT. By this I mean, Pitt and that's fucking it. IT. The Floss still likes other teams, but there is no questioning where my fanhood rests.

-The campus of Cincinnati is weird. It has some nicer parts than Pitt, primarily some grass and a football stadium(even though it is a concrete mess with bleachers) that serves beer. Their ghetto is worse than the Hill. It was an interesting town though and had more of a college feel I guess.

-One brightspot this weekend was learning that you can get TRIPLE meat on a Subway hoagie. The Floss watched Mr. Shenanigans order a TRIPLE MEAT TRIPLE CHEESE Chicken Bacon Ranch at a Subway on the way home from Cinci. It had 12 Subway boats of chicken strips, 12 pieces of bacon, 12 triangles of cheese. It was an amazing feat although still a ripoff for 14 dollars.

-New basketball rankings are out and the Panthers somehow jumped UCLA AND Duke. A little shocked the Panthers jumped Duke, but obviously the Floss agrees with the move. Any question which conference will dominate college basketball this year. The Big East has the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th, 15th, 16th, and 22nd ranked teams. By votes they also have the 31st and 33rd ranked teams. Also watch out for the 'Cuse, no. 33, to take out Florida tonight in the CBE classic. The Floss usually thinks 'Cuse is overrated, but not this year. Johnny Flynn, Devendorf, Onuaku, Paul Harris, Andy Rautins, Scoop Jardine, Rick Jackson, and Kristof Ongenaet. These are all players who have played legitimate minutes for the Orange before in their career. They also lost a cancer with Donte Green. I don't know why the Floss felt the need to slurp on the Orange, but just watch out for them.

-The Floss also wants to comment on "Joshua". He is someone who just randomly commented on the Floss' Pitt--Cinci preview. We're moving in the right direction. The Floss knows 0 Joshua's. The fan count has easily topped double digits.


Anonymous said...

Glad your not being negative for once... How could the fan level not rise with lines like, "I don't know why the Floss felt the need to slurp on the Orange,. . ."?

ps. I just bought a bottle of root beer flavored vodka... If the floss could infuse any kind of liquor with a flavor what would he choose?

nastynate24 said...

Well, the trip to Cincy really was an eye opening event.

As far as negative town goes.... I go there far too often, but deep down I'm proud to be a Panther... I just let the emotions get the best of me. In reality this team has accomplished a lot and as long as they don't lose the next 3 i'll be pleased with the season in terms of the big picture..... But I also feel it is fine to want/ask for more as it is not acceptable to go to 1 bowl game every 4 years. Hopefully this is the start of a run.

As for Friday, kids need to come out in full force and see what is likely to be Shady's last brawl.... and I know you hate the man with the girlie voice who runs the spread option in hicktown, but it is his last Brawl as well and he is worth the price of admission alone.

Lastly, PNR is now officially back as me and Lamanna have both gotten back into posting.

I'm out like Golden Hahn in a cicny classroom.


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the Floss didn't attack the Cincy fans more. The kids that I know that go to Cincy root for O$U. They then decided to bust my balls on the Pitt victory. Remember, these people are the most irrational pieces of trash on Sunday (Bungle fans). Hopefully you had a better experience in a weekend than I did in 18+ years.

Anonymous said...

Josh= Doc Man Josh aka DROF's hero.