Monday, November 17, 2008


PnR had a great idea for another Floss Mailbag. You should go back and read the other mailbag. The twist with this mailbag is that not only will celebrities make an appearance, but you the actual readers, will pose questions. So if you could please pose some questions in the comments section, I will answer any and all questions to the Flossiest of my ability.


Anonymous said...

Are you excited to eat my meat?

-One of the Five Guys now living in Murrysville

Anonymous said...

Hey it's D. Dix, just wondering who the Floss views as the 'Best Dixon In Pittsburgh' these days.

Anonymous said...

If the Floss was the last person on earth what 5 things would he make sure he had at his disposal?


Anonymous said...

Although after discussing this question with fof he thought this question could bring a full floss in itself i will ask anyways. What are your top 3 drunk stories?


Anonymous said...

What does The Floss, realllllly want to be when he grows up?

And if you say a fucking accountant ill beat the shit out of you.


Anonymous said...

What are the chances the Floss experiences one of his hangovers on the way to cincy?

What are the expectations of the floss this weekend?

What are the odds for each person in the car on who will be arrested?

I'm giving
Shenanigans (3 to 2)
Foss (12 to 1)
The Floss (6 to 1)
Nasty Nate (2 to 1)


Anonymous said...

What does the Floss think needs to be done to correct the refs in the NFL? Way to many blow calls this year. Are the NFL refs taking pointers from the NBA?


Anonymous said...

Which is Floss' fav porn site?

Anonymous said...

If the Floss could reproduce with any celebrity, who would it be and why?