Saturday, February 28, 2009


Well, Dr. Of and the Floss are in Cincinnati right now. In the Sigma Chi house in their computer room. Easily nicer than anything in my home, his home, or any home on the east coast. The place is a frat castle. The Floss was told tonight that the "Steelers Suck" multiple times. Multiple times. Seriously multiple times. Dr. Of is a fan of multiple times. We shoulder surfed some brothers to get into this room. Dr. Of completely stole this password from one of our Cinci bretheren. "I should get a joint and toast this room up"--Dr. Of. "That would be the worst thing ever"--Floss. Sadly, no climax to this story that we actually aren't smoking right now. We are actually combined 68 beers deep, rough estimate. A light estimate. The Floss put down a half a handle of Old Crow on the way out and in another car Dr. Of put down a half of Heaven Hill. To call us the kings of bourbon/whiskey wouldn't do us justice. The whole place here is unbeleivable, Lil Wayne for president, like the song says. We don't know where to sleep. Under computer desks? I don't know. Are servers warm? They feel it from my tootsies. The Floss has no clue how much ridiculous is being spewed right now. Other than this is post number 91. 91. Hiccup. 91. Hiccup. 91. Honestly, the Floss has felt nervous as to how the last (hiccup) few posts would go up (hiccup) til 100. 100 is a milestone. Milestones (hiccup) are hard to come by. You don't hit one every day...unless you are Jamie Dixon, aka the new Coach K. JD (hiccup) (hiccup) is the best coach in college ball right now (hiccup). I know (hiccup) CINC loves (hiccup) Elliot Williams, but he couldn't hold Nas (hiccup) Robinson's jock if he (hiccup) the same (hiccup) (hiccup) minutes. (cough) The best team in the country (hiccup) resides in Oakland (hiccup) motha fuckers, the Pitt Mother (hiccup) Fucking Panthers. Basically (hiccup) the whole point of this (hiccup) blog was to tell you about the (hiccup) Pitt Panthers. It might have (hiccup) steered (hiccup) off the beaten path a bit (hiccup), but we know who number (hiccup) 1 is!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

CINC gets the hiccups after he swollows a fat load.

Anonymous said...

I think the ragging on CINC has run it's course...


CINC still played the lead role of Peter Pan in his elementary school play.

Anonymous said...


CINC was once kicked out of a Burger King because he abused the free refill rule.

Anonymous said...

CINC once masterbated to a naked picture of Aunt Jemima.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a just a picture, it was an empty bottle. Which is the equivalent to a naked picture for CINC

Anonymous said...

If anyone would like to see another real blogger (other than the Floss), take a look at Maurice Clarett's blog of his thoughts while he is incarcerated. It's very well written and an interesting read.


Anonymous said...

Floss, if you want to be considered a serious BLOGGER, you need to have a schedule. This "when ever I feel like it" don't work. You need to make it your job. Consider it a internship. I'd like to see you blogging on set days. None of this Tuesday, Sat one week and then nothing for 10 days, then 3 the next wk. Start taking this serious. I check this site daily to see if you've blogged and most days, NOTHIN.

Start respecting your FANS!


Anonymous said...

Floss, the blog is letting me down. The panthers are on fire like Rome and the pens have been cruising. Reality TV is out there. Your potential tour de court?

The readers want to hear about these topics and more. If we don't get something soon, especially by the time the brackets come out, your loyal dozen may riot.

- Jesus Stanecsworth

Word V: I went to a doctor, all he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr ACCULA.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Is it true, Floss is Spring Breaking with CINC?

Word V - CINC aint "waryn" no underwear.

Anonymous said...

CINC Just gets punked non stop , man up CINC Who ever you are!
CINC must be still soaking after watching duke get scrubbed by the brothers and pscyco T at UNC.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know Jesus Shuttleworth posted on this blog.

- Jesus Stanecsworth

Word V: I went to a doctor, all he did was suck blood from my neck. Do not go see Dr ACCULA.

March 9, 2009 11:47 PM

Anonymous said...

One time, at bandcamp, Jesus Stanecsworth got t-bagged....and liked it.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Stanecsworth buys his clothes from Walmart.

CINC is great.

Anonymous said...

I heard CINC was taken to the emergency room because he had a hot dog stuck up his poop-shoot.

...He told the ER Doctor that he "fell on it"

Anonymous said...

Oh Yes, Mr. Jesus Stanecsworth...
...How in the fuck do you get off self-proclaiming yourself Jesus!

Here's some quick comments for you to make your blogging experience a little nicer...

#1: It's lent-so come up with a new name, Jackass!

#2: All of your comments stink so bad they smell like big foots dick.

#3: If you do not change your name, I will be forced to start making you my whipping boy instead of CINC.

#4: It's obvious that you want Floss's hairy kielbasa in your mouth, so when your is coming out party? I'd really like to circle that date on my calendar.

#5: Every time I see that you have written a comment, I immediately skip over it because I know it's going to be filled with stupid rhetoric that I'd rather not waste 30 seconds of my life reading!

#6: Why is there a correlation between your last name and the lead character from the hit movie He Got Game's last name? As far as I can read, you have no game. Plus, I doubt you can get bitches like Denzel.

#7: You have the worst word verifications in the history of word verifications

#8: I will never stop reading the Floss. So you bite your tounge!

Overall, seek immediate medical help if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours!

Enjoy Spring Break!

~Phantom Blogger

Anonymous said...

Stanecsworth once walked in on CINC pleasuring himself...and stayed to watch him finish up.