Thursday, January 10, 2008


I knew I was going to write an update today covering the Pitt basketball team and the new Rock of Love premiering Sunday night at 9. Bret Michaels would be proud that I am using his song lyrics to describe the Pitt basketball team. The Floss has been lacking in creative titles lately, but this title fits the Pitt team perfectly. Last night during the Pitt-South Florida game, TNT was symbolically showing the movie "The Replacements". The thorns of Pitt's basketball team the past 3 years have been more often than not 3 players, Keith Benjamin, Sam Young, and Tyrell "not so" Biggs. Keith Benjamin has given sub par bench minutes for most of his career and he really hasn't had a high point in his career until now. He is averaging 18 points per game and over 30 minutes since entering the Pitt lineup. Sam Young was the "black hole" of the Pitt offense last year. Once you gave him the ball, you weren't getting it back. Understandably, he was just trying to make a push at more minutes over garbage man Levon Kendall last season. Now he is having the best year of his career averaging over 18 points a game. He has developed his jumper and his driving game to a nice level. If he continues to improve, he could be scary good. The final thorn who is still quite thorn-like is Tyrell "not so" Biggs. Biggs has finally started to go into the paint lately. It seems that Coach Dixon(might as well be the White Rose) finally just told him that he is not a shooting guard. Although Biggs still thinks he has a polished jump shot, he has finally put his 6'8 250 lb frame into the lane. In the last three games, he has got offensive rebounds, put backs, and finally some points in the paint. Dixon gave him the mantra they give big kids in 3rd grade, "See, isn't it easier to make layups than 3 pointers". Seriously they should have this conversation daily.

Some other thoughts from last nights win:

Gary Mghee playing his first meaningful minutes of the year. He played awesome in limited minutes. He scored 6 points and had a handful of rebounds. Mghee proved that he can play serious minutes if Blair goes into foul trouble. What was more impressive was how well he plays on defense. He moves his feet exceptionally for his size. Wish we had Cassin Diggs scholly for DeAndre Kane or Travon Woodalls.

Ronald Ramon is still a thorn on this rose. His defense is not too bad, but his offense and ball handling leave a ton to be desired. I still am confident that he will get his 3 point stroke back and will probably win us a game this season. He will still go down as one of my favorite Pitt players.


Rock of Love 2 is back this Sunday at 9. Woo hoo. Rock of Love is better than Tila. I am thoroughly pumped for Bret to be back on TV. I don't know much about the cast for the show and I want to be surprised on Sunday, so there isn't much of a preview to talk about. All I know is with Bret being the man that he is, I hope that at least 66.666666% of the cast has stripped or is currently stripping somewhere.

Thirsty Thursday is dedicated to strippers and Bret Michaels

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