Thursday, January 24, 2008


If you wanted a rant, this may be for you. I have been searching for something to rant on for a while now, but this morning I realized it. I realized it when I googled "ways to get deferred from giving blood". Today is a blood drive at school, and the Floss is supposed to give blood in order to win some stupid trophy for his fraternity. Giving blood might not be a big deal for a non big boned man such as the Floss. The fat on my arms makes the blood sucking vampires(BSV's from now on) unable to find a vein to insert the needle. If this happened once then maybe I'm just being a bitch about it, but this happened more than once. 3 effin times the BSV's missed my vein and had to pull the needle out. The one time, I actually gave them like 3 to 4 oz. of blood, but she realized that I wasn't going to give the necessary pint within the next decade, so she pulled the needle out. Then I got to come home and have a huge black and blue bruise all over my arm for a few days. Again maybe I am being a bitch about this, but shit I just don't like giving blood. Not too mention that I have a somewhat rare blood type and they always call me to give blood. I think the real problem could be the talent level of the BSV they bring to high schools and universities. It's bullshit, don't force students to give blood twice a year and they bring us the third stringers. Third stringers is a compliment, they are more like NBDL players. I want the star BSV's, maybe at least some up and coming prospects. I think a real way to also solve the BSV's problem is to not make them such c-words. Seriously, there are ways to hide your terribleness at drawing blood. If they brought in some hot looking girls, I probably would take the bruises on my arm as a man. I'm not talking super models, just some hot girl(preferably one with a lip ring*) that you can dream about while she is poking you with needles. It probably isnt good to find girls that poke you with needles, but who cares. So I'm not discriminating to only hot girls, I will throw another one out there, grandmothers. You can't get mad at an old grandmother lady that is a saint. I'm talking the white haired, cheery, friendly, kind grandmas. Not the grandmas who hate kids. I have never seen either of these types of women at a blood drive. The BSV's are always between 25 and 45 and are most definitely single. Not once have they ever tried to be even somewhat hospitable to anyone. The last time I went, the BSV reeked of cigarette smoke, which made me even more nauseated. The nicest thing they may do is bring you a drink, but the BSV probably spit in it. I know people need to give blood, but until the get some lip-ringed BSV's, count the Floss out.

*(Note: The lip ring is seriously the new sexiest thing a girl can have. It isn't even trashy anymore, in the Floss' opinion. Not everyone looks good with a lip ring, but it is certainly cooler and sexier than the fake jewel nose rings girls have. I could see lip rings become the belly button ring of the 2010 decade. Stay tuned.)


Sam Young is a beast. He is the 4th leading scorer in the Big East this year, and he could win league MVP if Pitt can win the regular season title. He would be an even better player if he killed all the BSV's today. He scored 26 in Pitt's 81-57 win vs. St. Johns last night. He was 3-6 from three and had ZERO turnovers. Last night was an all around great performance by Pitt. An easy game this Saturday at the Pete vs. Rutgers, then the schedule gets tough. LETS GO PITT

Hugs and Handpounds People


Anonymous said...

I checked rivals today, Pitt has the 93rd BSV recruiting class for todays event. Lots of 2 stars and a bunch of unranked BSVs. This all means that there is no chance of me giving blood, but I will be a good guy and get differed. Oh, and lip rings are still trashy. Would you take a girl home to mom that had a lip ring? I think not.


Anonymous said...

MOF wouldnt be to pleased with if Floss brought home a lip ringed girl. But then again, MOF would be excited if he brought home any girl. so maybe im wrong.


Anonymous said...

False Floss, That's agreat thing your Frat is doing by donating blood. I have received blood tranfusions in the past and there is nothing like getting blood from buzzed up frat guy. You guys are truly giving the gift of life. You have tried in the past and have had trouble so you get a past. NO BSV's for you today. Finally the lip ring is pure trash, your a better person than that.

Anonymous said...

This was a good blog based on the number of comments. Went and got deferred today. Had class with 2 girls with lip rings today. One was trashy, one was not. No way I would bring a girl home with a lip ring just yet. I'm telling you, the lip ring is making rounds.
