Sunday, October 19, 2008


I don't know who made the comment in the last comment section about who the Floss supports in the upcoming presidential election, but it was a very good question. However, this person clearly did not read the New Years Resolutions blog posted to start the new year. The Floss said he was going to try and not discuss the election once throughout the year. The Floss has kept up his promise until now because for the people the Floss will do it. Also, breaking promises is something the Floss loves doing.


The Floss supports no one. Honestly, voting is something I might do just because this is the first presidential election of which I'm legal age. The Floss doesn't focus on the issues. When there's Pitt football and politics, there's really only Pitt football.


Really why should we all care so much about the election. Does the president really have much of a say in your everyday life? Most of us have to say no. Both presidents will believe in taxes. They are virtually the same person. Plus Congress makes all decisions anyways. People that get wrapped up in stuff like the election are MAC people. This was discussed yesterday amongst the readers of the Floss. MAC people are essentially hippies. They "go green". They eat organic foods. They eat Indian food. The MAC people all support Obama(this should give you a clue who the Floss semi-supports).


Well when the Floss heard John McCain picked a woman running mate, he knew there had to be a reason. His reason, she's hot. I'm glad he decided not to focus on picking a qualified candidate, but picking great tits instead. Seriously, coolest election fact, t-minus 9 months til Sarah Palin is a GILF(granny I'd like to Floss). Honestly, the Floss couldn't pick Joe Biden out of a lineup, but he had to be more qualified than Palin. Palin was the governor of Alaska. Alaska and Hawaii are the fakest things ever. The US president(don't even know him) who added those 2 as States just decided that the flag looked dumb at 48 stars. I'm with him. Alaska is not real. It is just a piece of Canada. Hawaii hasn't given the US anything except Samoan football players. It also gave Colt Brennan a lot of weed.


Unknown said...

I am sitting in my cubicle with a carpet burn the size of a quarter on my forehead from tackling someone in my family room yesterday. Reading the Floss's views on politics helped make the day a little bit easier for me. Alright, its about time for me to go home and reapply the Neosporin.

Great call on the Pitt game.

Terrelle Pryor deserves a shout out in your blog. He is that good and as a formal soft verbal to Pitt, I am sure you have some opinions on his upcoming game against your favorite Kit Kat's from Happy Valley

I heard BMan is into dances these days...


Anonymous said...

First things first: I admit that I proposed the question about the Presidential Election. I went back took a glance at the New Years Resolution. I apologize for this inconvenience.

On another note, I think that you make a justified point in regards to the Presidential Election. But, it's your right to head off to Newlonsburg Elementary on election day to cast your first vote regardless of the candidates.

GILF's need love too.
