Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hello? Where are the fans? Weak participation by the fans since the Floss' illustrious return to the free World. The fans are what get me to this computer in the morning to come help make your day a little more enjoyable. Daily Flossin' is good for everyone, but some much needed love this way is in order. Come on people. The Floss did receive a text today from a new reader(Mr. Shenanigans) stating "I'm reading the floss and it is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Already bookmarked it on my favorites". The fans were going to get a ton of heat today, until that text came in this morning.


Seize the Day(or season). If you haven't looked at the current make-up of the AFC, look again. The Steelers aren't showing the sense of urgency that they need to considering the circumstances. The AFC is as ripe as Hannah Montana for the Steelers' taking. Honestly, the Titans are 5-0. Their QB is Kerry Collins. Kerry Collins, we can beat him. Collins isn't exactly Tom Terrific or Peyton. Next in the list of AFC contenders are the Buffalo Thrills. While they are a nice story, Coach T and the boys can't be shaking in their boots about playin' Trent Edwards or J.P. Losman. The Denver Broncos have absolutely 0 defense. Peyton isn't healthy. Jacksonville is struggling, San Diego sucks. Matt Cassel ain't beatin us, neither is Joey Flacco(maybe in a few year). The AFC is yours Ben. Just fuckin' take it. Grab the AFC by the balls and win this thing. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't mind a trip to the Super Bowl. Let's go...


Honestly, going green is the newest most annoying fad ever. Like honestly, everyone tries to push going green on you now a days. This really pissed me off at the Steelers' game last Monday, when the Steelers' had their "Green Tip of the Day". The tip: Use less water by taking short showers, no baths(Floss doesn't like baths), and don't leave the water running while you brush your teeth. Other tips include things like re-using towels to reduce water used while washing clothes. Seriously, Americans used to be able to get by with just not littering. They want us to do the dumbest things in this Going Green campaign. I hate it. Isn't this another instance where common sense can prevail. You don't need to push people to do things that they already know what to do. They should start putting tips like, "you can't afford a 400,000 dollar house if you live on a mailman's salary(Karl Malone excluded)", because the market is a helluva lot more important than the Earth's history 1,000,000,000,000,000 years from now.


Anonymous said...

The Polish Hammer is back readin! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

good first half of the blog... i couldn't keep on reading though because the hannah montana being ripe thing made me go straight to youtube to see some videos. does hannah floss?

Anonymous said...

The only thing Flossy about Hannah is her skimpy g-strings. DAMN IT!! THAT"S ILLEGAL!!

Here's some Go Green Suggestions:

1. Cum in the girls mouth (no tissues or water needed)

2. Shirtless month- Everyone goes shirtless (No water being used from doing laundry)

When do I get to do a "Wack of the Day" cameo segment?


Anonymous said...

"There's the crossed it"

Floss to DDP(L)

Anonymous said...

Floss - Your blog gets me through a 10 hour cubicle day. Me and the boy toy discuss what the floss could be about today and totally agree with all of your hangover choices. (You should try a chicolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich...salt, dairy (for the heartburn), sugar for the is one of the most underrated things since straws - keep up the EXCELLENT work


Anonymous said...

You are not in favor of going green?... what are you pro-global warming and anti-american?